The Next Big Thing in เซกซี่บาคาร่า

Posted by Lance on May 29th, 2021

Nora Novak packs so much straight talking womanly wisdom into each sentence, complete with an uncanny amount of name dropping. Designers, delicacies, destinations and desires all are woven together into a tapestry of storytelling. It took me a moment to realize "Bloomies" was the nickname for Bloomindales, but once you get the vernacular of Novak's style, you settle back, kick off your Prada's and fill a Baccarat crystal glass of Tattinger, and take in her fine literary talent.

Working as a receptionist in an Orange County, or OC as it's called, art museum, Nina, the main character is subjected to the currents of the egos, prestige and personalities of the rich and famous, as well as the not-so-rich and want-to-be famous. The pressures of success in the art world, the sexy undercurrents of social gatherings, and the creative forces which drive the industry are revealed in a way only those with the keys and alarm codes to museums understand. Nora Novak takes you behind the facade of faux barriers, to the real people who hang around the world of exhibitions and private showings. As birds of a feather flock together, the lure of an Andy Warhol brings talented artisans into one room like a lantern in the woods attracts insects.

Nina has her entourage of men, being a natural beauty and knowing how to use her God given sex appeal. Each provides a piece of her satisfaction, becoming a tile in her mosaic of creating a fulfilling life. She is underemployed as a receptionist, as her talent and ambition of becoming an acclaimed painter is far greater, yet the proximity to the culture lures her to her desk each morning. What unfolds, in what seemingly would be a dull and dreary existence, is anything but boring, as the depth of human desires entangle a web of deceptions and murder. Embellished with detail similar to the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Nora Novak brushes her strokes of words over her canvas of paper. Written in a contemporary style, she masterfully creates characters which are credible, sensitive and vulnerable - real people in a surreal culture.

A bit abstract in style, Nora Novak has definitely emerged as an author with a unique voice. Her book of just over 200 pages is framed in her cover art which I shall leave to your own interpretation. After all, that's the thing about art, it means something unique to each of us.

I'm sure you would love to have a huge penis erection that is long, thick, rock-hard, attractive, and muscular-looking. Am I right? Well, you most certainly are not alone with this much sought after goal most men have. That being said, I'm pretty sure that if you want to have a huge erection, you also want to have a huge flaccid (hanging) penis size as well. Am I right again?

Well my friend, the good news is that you can sexybaccarat not only increase how big your flaccid hanging size is, you can also increase your erection size (and gain all of those benefits I mentioned above), and you can even improve your performance with intercourse (such as curing premature ejaculation, having more intense orgasms, and more). The bad news is that most of the methods you are familiar with (extenders, pumps, hanging weights, surgery, and pills) are NOT going to get you to the promised land!

In the words to follow I'm going to share with you the top 3 tips on how you can increase your flaccid hanging size (which will also increase your erected size as well), and also which method actually does work to bring all of this together naturally easily, SAFELY, permanently, and without spending obscene amounts of money!

What Increases Your Flaccid Size...

1. Your ligament needs to be stretched...

The penis has a ligament that is responsible for the length of your penis. This ligament is called the suspensory ligament. It extends a few inches below your pelvic bone and out to your penis. A natural method will put out those few inches that is below your pelvic bone and thus increasing the length of your flaccid and erected size.

2. You have to have an increase of blood circulation...

One of the most important aspects of getting a bigger, stronger, and harder erection, and also a bigger hanging size is that you must have more blood flowing into your penile shaft.

Pumps and pills claim to do this very well. Well, in my own experience, and in light of many reviews from other men, pumps will only work on a temporary basis (and they cause side-effects), and pills (the natural and safe kind) actually do work for increasing blood flow. However, pills can not increase your penis size... they only help with speeding up blood flow, and that alone does not make you bigger. JUST having more blood flow will help with erectile dysfunction.

3. Chamber expansion...

You have 3 penile chambers... and all of them must be stimulated and NATURALLY expanded in order for you to get a bigger flaccid and erected penis size... and there is only ONE method that will do this extremely important step.

The Method That Brings It All Together...

The best and most effective method to naturally stretch your suspensory ligament, increase blood flow, and expand your penile chambers are natural penis exercises.

Penis exercises are a group of exercise routines that you do with nothing but your hands and some lubrication. You can learn how to do these routines by downloading a reputable penis exercise program (which are very affordable, very informative, very fun, and very discreet).

These exercises are divided up into 3 levels (beginner, intermediate, and advanced). If you follow a program exactly, you can see pretty significant changes within the first 3 weeks (as it was for me).

Before I started a penis exercise program I was about 5 inches fully erected and my flaccid size was TERRIBLE! Basically, my flaccid size looked as if I barely had a penis (lol)!

Once I started doing these penis exercises, the first 2 things I noticed was that my flaccid size was increasing and I was lasting longer during sex. In about 8 weeks, I ended up with a much bigger hanging size, I gained 2 extra inches on my erected size, I'm more thicker, and harder, and my performance in the bedroom has greatly improved.

Bottom line, if you want to improve your flaccid and erected size, and if you want to knock your significant others stockings off, just as long as you stay natural and stay consistent, you too can experience similar results as I and many other man have by going with a natural method.

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Joined: May 29th, 2021
Articles Posted: 128

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