The 17 Most Misunderstood Facts About Numerology

Posted by Atchley on May 29th, 2021

It never ceases to amaze me that, in this atomic age, a lot of individuals still think in gods, Astrology, Numerology, Phrenology, Tarot cards, Foreteller and all the other rubbish. Take A Look At James Randi and learn who for many years has actually been offering one million dollars to anyone who can demonstrate so-called psychic ability.

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GODS. There are actually countless different faiths worldwide. Which one do you follow? The one that you were born into and persuaded with naturally. Hence you will follow like sheep and hand down all that rubbish to YOUR children: self perpetuating false information!

Hinduism was begun around 3000BC, then came Judaism around 2000BC, then Budhism around 450 BC, Christianity around 32AD and lastly Islam about 570AD. Prior to all that there was polytheism or the praise of multiple gods so I think all those millions of great people are sitting in Hell.

If you had resided in Ancient Greece you would have believed in the gods Uranus, Gaia, Chronos, Apollo, Athena and Zeus etc. Why didn't YOUR god appear and inform THEM what to believe in? DUE TO THE FACT THAT HE DID NOT EXIST is why!

Let's consider the Christian Bible, the book that claims that the earth is flat (4 corners), The human race was started with incest (Adam and Eve etc) and that the sun orbits the earth. Many, many stories included in that book are plagiarized from ancient western culture and pre-Colombian Mythology. If you think them, please get in touch with me as I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I make certain you will be interested in purchasing. Have a look at Noah's Ark at skepdic.

Many people on the planet do not bother thinking on their own but just accept whatever they are taught by their peers.

If we did not progress from animals, why in the world do we have fur and claws? Why, if you run into a dangerous scenario, do you all of a sudden get a cold sweat and your heart beat accelerates ... the animal "battle or flight" reflex?

Why on earth would the position of planets when you occurred to be born, have any impact on your character or your life. Your life is not prearranged and you have immense control over it. If distant objects in area are able to affect the character and lives of human beings Psychics to the degree declared, then one would have to throw all basic principles of physics, biology and chemistry out of the window!

NUMEROLOGY. Do you really believe that the digits in your name your phone number, or your date of birth can exert any influence on your life? Totally ludicrous!

PHRENOLOGY. The foolish idea that lumps on one's head can demonstrate the person's character and brainpowers. Thankfully, unlike a few of the other rubbish, this is generally passé.

TAROT. How can shuffling a couple of Tarot cards and then dealing them to you potentially foretell what is going to happen to you? It is just absolute possibility.

FORETELLER. If so called Fortune Tellers actually understood anything, they wouldn't require to charge you a couple of dollars to anticipate your future. All they would need to do would be to forecast the lotto numbers simply one time. I was amused to read that in the UK a couple of months ago, a lot of so-called psychics demonstrated after a judgment was revealed that they would have to show their claims. This just shown that they had plenty of baloney due to the fact that if they could REALLY see into the future, they would have demonstrated BEFORE the guideline was revealed!

I would hypnotize them and recommend that the painting was the most lovely one that they had ever seen. When I woke them up and revealed them the painting once again, they would rave over the quality and plainly explain to everyone present exactly why they thought that it was so exceptional.

The majority of people are gullible and easily affected. Why else do you think advertisers spend millions of dollars pushing their products? Do you ever see anything for sale for ? Never! It's always .99 because they understand that you will believe that is a lot less.

Look up at the stars: zillions of them. Lots of worlds out there, that our entire universe is most likely simply an atom. Our world and its occupants are so unimportant that, if there was such a thing as a magnificent entity, he would have definitely no interest in us people. Appears that individuals are so afraid of dealing with the reality that a person day they are going to die, that they develop an afterlife that they can anticipate. In actual reality, we are just like flowers. We come from a seed: we grow and mature: we drop our own seeds to continue the species and after that we whither away and pass away. Why should WE go to paradise and not the animals? They are living creatures too, apparently created by some god ala "All animals great and little." Belief in religion and so-called paranormal experiences only offers individuals some convenience and allows them to operate without thinking about the unavoidable. Personally I don't require that. Do you?

Why not begin questioning things? Believe on your own and stop following the crowd. Or would you rather simply plod along in the Dark Ages, misguiding yourself?

Worlds Way out:

The ongoing desire to discover an alternate fantastic truth, which is best and devoid of the constraints of time-space, starts is lots of people's youth. As kids, we were typically curious about who we are, and what this life is everything about. In a lot of cases, the death of an individual we understood, have actually raised many concerns about the after-life. The gnosis about existence of realms beyond is imprinted in the human collective experience. There is an unclear memory in every person's mind relating to other dimensions of presence.

Where did we come from and what is the function of this life? Did we come to this world from another world? Can life exist in other forms besides the one we live in?

In the 2nd half of the 20th century, modern science has established new tools to discuss the presence of life in more than one measurement. According to the "String Theory", deep space is spread out in ten various measurements including various energy vibrations, and the universal energy field is made up of "membranes" and other esoteric shapes.

The Realm of Matter:

The most affordable frequencies which crystallize into matter, are known to us as the "physical" world (dimension), which is quantifiable, and can be recognized by our 5 senses. Various theories suggest that we exist in the 3rd measurement (out of 10). Other measurements contain different types of life, with various levels of awareness in various frequencies.

The Kabbalistic Outlook:

According to the mystical Kabbalah, which investigates universal tricks and the essence of life, we can find out that the truth we understand represents a small section of the whole. The Kabbalah indicates that the majority of existence, the dimensions that we can not view with our human constraints, is undoubtedly the truth itself and our physical life is simply an illusion.

The 9 higher spheres existed before our physical world has actually been formed. The highest sphere is "Keter" (Crown)-- a dimension of eternal light, the source of whatever that was produced, a dimension with no constraints. The energetic volume of every sphere is one tenth of its previous sphere.

The Scientific Viewpoint:

Our world is just one of numerous possible hidden truths, just one single type of existence out of unlimited measurements that exist at the exact same time. According to quantum physics, there is more than one universe, and we can interact with alternate measurements of being.

Parallel realities may exist by different physical laws of time and area. Their transpirations can be symptoms of another set of possibilities that are alternative to the occurrences we witness in our own reality. They may be taking place simply a few millimeters away from us, but we can not know them since their energetic frequencies are unperceived by us.

Accessing Alternate Measurements:

The human soul, which is an integral part of the tremendous universal energy field, has a subconscious connection with different kinds of being. As human beings, we are "caught" in a physical body that restricts our big vision of the universe. Purposely, we can only know elements that can be absorbed by our 5 senses. People who developed their sixth sense can access understanding which is beyond the physical existence.

According to modern-day physics, the passage between our dimension and parallel truths is in the type of "great voids" or "worm tunnels" that exist in some strange locations in deep space. Humanity has vague memories (or traces of memories) of other existing dimensions, and there is a continuous quest to get rid of the constraints of the mind and access the large photo.

Humans have the ability to connect with alternate truths in some conditions:

As our souls leave our bodies during sleep, they can access higher worlds and get recharged and reset. According to the Kabbalah, the sleep procedure is considered as some form of death, when the soul departs from the body. Practicing Jews have an unique morning prayer to thank God for returning the soul back into the body upon awakening.

In deep hypnotic trance meditation, individuals can silence their ever active minds and link with the everlasting universal love energy. This is the supreme change into another dimension - a total change of form.

Where Can You See Parallel Worlds?

Art got the answer: Surreal art is characterized by images that come straight from the subconscious mind. As understood in metaphysics, the subconscious mind is the

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Joined: May 29th, 2021
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