Getting an Ancestry Test in India

Posted by DNA Forensics Laboratory on May 29th, 2021

Ever wondered about the origin of your family roots? Ancestry Test is an answer to all your questions related to your ancestry. Technological advancements and a significant achievement in the field of DNA diagnostics have made it possible to tap into a whole lot of information a person’s DNA can provide. A variety of genetic information is available for you to look into. The passing down of DNA from one generation to another helps reveal significant pieces of information about your ancestry. Ancestry Test in India is easily available, and you can get one for yourself too.


Types of Ancestry DNA Tests in India

  • DNA ancestral origin maternal linage testing: Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is inherited almost unchanged from a mother to her offspring via the fertilized egg. This Ancestry Test studies the markers on the mtDNA to get to the roots of the family history. This test is viable for both men and women. The test results represent haplogroups genetic groups of people who have the same set of DNA markers and could be traced to the same geographical origin. 

  • DNA ancestral origin paternal linage testing: This type of Ancestry Test helps to get into the roots of the male ancestry. It analyses the short tandem repeats (STRs) of men’s Y chromosomes. A female interested in knowing her paternal linage can ask the male members (father, brother) of the family to give their DNA samples for the Paternal Lineage Ancestry test. 

  • GPS Origins Ancestry Test: The GPS, i.e., Geographic Population Structure Origins Ancestry DNA Testing in India, merges advanced genetic research with the GPS method to study the origin of your history. You learn the location of your genetic origins through this procedure. You get amazingly accurate results if the place of origin of your parents is the same. The test can efficiently study more than 730000 gene variations. This type of Ancestry DNA test establishes a detailed history in the form of historical events and date stamps enlisting DNA evolution over time.

  • DNA Starter Ancestry Test: Your relatives also influence your ancestral origins. This is what the test is here for. This test involves investigating the autosome pairs to determine your roots based on four ethnic forms: Sub-Saharan African, Indigenous American, East Asian, and European. These ethnic groups share ancestry and represent the natural migrations that occur over time. 

The way we exist today culturally is quite different from our ancestors, who lived thousands of years ago. As per available data, our evolution dates back to 400,000 years ago from the African continent. The Ancestry DNA Testing reveals a whole set of exciting relations and co-relations with our past.

The DNA sample collection kit consists of a cheek swab and instructions for sample collection. You need to send your buccal swab, requisition form, and consent to the laboratory for the testing to proceed. 

DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. uses the latest technologies to do an Ancestry Test in India. Contact DNA Forensics Laboratory today to learn more or book an Ancestry Test in India at affordable prices.

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DNA Forensics Laboratory

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DNA Forensics Laboratory
Joined: January 30th, 2020
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