The Anatomy Of Depression

Posted by Mitchel on May 29th, 2021

All the talk about "Health Care Reform" has certainly ignited a fire in countless Americans! Every national news and talk radio show is focused on this hot button topic recently.

A standard way such a cartel can protect its own interests against a good group which opposes them is to make something controversial of the good group. In general, the natural therapy industry, while growing, gets a torrid time from the above cartel of pharmaceutical, weapons, media and banking industries. But while the natural therapy industry stays as a cottage industry it is no real threat to them.

Trusted leaders are open and transparent - particularly in this post-Enron world. The suspicion surrounding UK politicians currently has a lot less to do with their actual expense claims and a lot more to do with questions about why such claims should be so secretive. Openness also means being open to question. Your elevator pitch should (according to macroeconomics explained those far more expert in this) invite questions - your answers to those being a robust defense citing evidence that supports your pitch. Can you defend your pharma news elevator pitch?

When I'm mentoring people who want to get hired in this industry, the first thing I always tell them is this, "You should be networking while the world is awake and researching while they sleep." The pharmaceutical sales search is a full time job. Just ask anyone who's done it with success. Every minute you have that can't be spent networking can be spent researching.

Did you know that due to the canning process, the tuna fish's omega 3 content are almost non existent? As for fresh tuna it is the most contaminated of all fish, when it comes to mercury. Tuna is found in many fish oil products, that is why molecularly distillation is a vital standard for such fish. If your product is costing you pennies, then it is a sign to be concerned. If your product is expensive and molecularly distilled, then you may be paying a premium fee for advertising costs. Even if you do not mind that, you may still be paying the extra cost in vain. Why is that?

You cannot purchase items with gold or diamonds like we aliens do. You must first take your gold or diamonds to a jeweller and sell them for the local currency. Good luck with that.

I think that pharmaceutical sales reps may be seeing the end of the road soon. Pfizer's layoffs are in effect telling the other drug manufactures that the arms race is off. Since they are the company that usually sets the tone in the industry, it would not be a surprise to see the other pharmaceutical companies follow suite.

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Joined: May 19th, 2021
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