Navigating Patient Privacy With AllScripts EMR

Posted by Amy Jackson on June 1st, 2021

Protecting your patients privacy is,no doubt, a major responsibility you take seriously. In the modern world we live in, it can be hard to keep track and make sure all communications are safe. However, software like AllScripts EMR is making the entire process easier for you. You can take the AllScripts demo at any point to see how effective it is for patient safety.

The Importance of Patient Safety

As healthcare systems have changed, grown, and evolved, so have the risks associated with them. Patient Safety and privacy is one such concern that is becoming increasingly important in this day and age. As a result of harm faced by patients in facilities, a new field of care has been created. This focuses on the risks that patients face at facilities.

Patient safety also concerns itself with the risks of errors by healthcare professionals. The idea is, healthcare professionals should learn from the mistakes made and prevent them from occurring in the future. As healthcare moves towards a patient oriented approach, this is becoming more and more important as a focus area. 

The people who work in healthcare are only human. They are prone to mistakes. This is exacerbated by the fact that they do complex work in lengthy shifts, in an extremely stressful environment. After all, doctors cannot be superhuman or perfect. While we cannot expect people to not make mistakes, we can create systems that catch errors quickly.

About AllScripts EMR

AllScripts EMR is a software provider that has been creating solutions for physicians for over thirty years. It initially started out as a service to facilitate online prescriptions. However, now, it is a powerful electronic health record management software. If you take the AllScripts demo, you will see that it is a dynamic software with much to offer. 

AllScripts pricing can be requested from the vendor by reaching out to get a customized quote. A full pricing plan will be created based on the services you are looking for, and the amount of users and features you want. 

AllScripts reviews tell us it is a reputable software with a good overall rating. Most people using it have had good or excellent experiences with the software. It is notable for making documentation easier and seamless for providers. 

How Allscripts Takes Patient Privacy Seriously

AllScripts EMR is committed to the protection of safety and privacy for patients. It also believes in focusing on those who maintain the responsibility of that privacy. The software believes that maintaining patient safety is a collaborative effort. It requires the input of many different parts of the healthcare ecosystem. 

This has led to the creation of ASP, the AllScripts Safety Program. This program works to ensure all of the stakeholders involved in the healthcare process are kept safe. This includes patients, providers, and other healthcare staff and workers. 

If you ever take the AllScripts demo, you will see the dedication to maintaining safety from the get go. After all, EMR has a crucial role to play in maintaining patient safety. The software is used to store patient data and all their information. It is particularly prone to hacking, and so it needs to have the top-notch security available.

This is why AllScripts is a wonderful program to use. It offers all of that safety and more, and is committed to furthering that to the entire ecosystem of care. This includes, first and foremost, starting with the company itself.

AllScripts focuses on creating a culture of safety and sensitivity towards it in the company. The idea is to be able to keep an eye for any threats and work on them immediately. This is particularly true in the process of evaluating patients, which can pose risks to their privacy. 

Another area that AllScripts commits to is that they will be open and honest about any issues with patient safety that occur. They will take care of those issues as soon as possible, and notify their clients so they know what’s happening too. 

If you’ve taken an AllScripts demo, you will know the software is committed to evolution. The same stands true for safety - they are always looking to grow and change. They incorporate the feedback they get and work on their safety regulations to make sure you never have to worry about patient safety again. 

Patient Safety Measures During Lockdown

The entire world has been closed off due to the global pandemic. This has changed the way everything in our lives works, including the healthcare industry. Patients have shifted to looking for options to receive care in their home. This has driven practices and doctors to adapt and move towards telemedicine features. 

Using these features, doctors have access to remotely monitor patients. While this innovative change has been transformational, it has also meant there is more patient information online. This leaves even more space for breaches of safety. 

However, with the optimized and secure workflow available through AllScripts EMR, patient safety and privacy can be ensured. The software is HIPAA compliant, meaning there’s no reason for you to worry about making sure patients are safe. 

Creating Safe Practice Recommendations

AllScripts EMR works for patient safety by making sure that there are safe practice recommendations set. These are created and identified in order to advocate for better standards of care.  By carefully studying trends in technology along with regulations and policy changes, along with research, these recommendations provide crucial information.

The safe practice recommendations are very important so that software developers at AllScripts can create services that protect the privacy of patients. They help ensure that, across the board, the solutions at AllScripts don’t impede on safety regulations. 

Matching Patients - Complex, But Possible With AllScripts

A common error made in the clinical setting is improper matching of patients. While this can seem like an honest mistake, it can lead to disastrous results. This is why AllScripts EMR is working to improve patient identification so there is no issue with matching. 

If patients are matched wrong, they can get the wrong treatment, medications, and more. Even worse, important information about allergies and patient history can be missed out. As healthcare becomes more integrated and interoperable, this problem can get even worse. 

Across the board, when patient matching is done, it can get quite complex. Therefore, much work needs to be done to make the process seamless, and AllScripts is involved in the discourse around it. 

Should I Get An AllScripts Demo?

Patient safety is important for all providers. If, after reading through this, you want to invest in AllScripts EMR, there are options for you. While we cannot make a clear-cut recommendation without knowing about your practice, you can. A great start is getting the AllScripts demo so you can see the software in action before you decide. 

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Amy Jackson

About the Author

Amy Jackson
Joined: July 10th, 2020
Articles Posted: 59

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