How to Stop Emotional Eating

Posted by aimewolf on November 7th, 2015

Those who suffer from depression, who feel lonely and stressed all the time usually cope with these problems by overeating. This is a huge mistake because food will not help you solve any problems. Eating feels good only in the moment and it does not make the feelings that triggered the eating go away. Most people feel worse after they eat. Food addiction can destroy lives when it is left untreated. If you would like to know How to stop emotional eating you should turn to professionals for advice.

We should start by saying that there are healthier ways to deal with your emotions and if your weight has become a problem and you find it harder and harder to control your food cravings you definitely suffer from Food addiction. There are many people out there who feel powerless over food and their feelings and who do not know what to do to deal with this aspect. How can you tell if you are an emotional eater or not? Answering these questions will help you find the answer: do you eat more when you feel stressed? Do you eat when you are not hungry? Do you eat to feel better? Do you consider food a reward? Do you eat until you feel stuffed? Do you feel powerless around food?

If the answer to these questions is yes, it is clear that you suffer from Food addiction. It is useful to know that you can break free from emotional eating but this will take commitment, determination and patience on your behalf. Emotional hunger is very powerful, it hits you in an instant and it feels urgent. Emotional hunger craves specific comfort foods and it leads to mindless eating. After you eat you will feel regret, guilt or shame. This is emotional hunger and although many people know deep down that they do not eat for nutritional reasons they aren’t able to put an end to their addiction.

People eat for numerous reasons but the most common causes are: stress, stuffing emotions, boredom, childhood habits and social influences. If you would like to learn How to stop emotional eating you should first identify what triggers it. Does stress make you feel hungry? Do you crave for salty, sweet and high-fat foods that provide a burst of energy regularly?  When you cannot control stress in your life you will turn to food for emotional relief.  Many people eat when they have nothing to do or to fill a void in their lives.

The best way to identify the patterns behind emotional eating is to write them in a food diary. Take a moment to figure out what triggers your urges and write it down. If you do this for a couple of weeks you will notice that a pattern emerges. There is useful information online on How to stop emotional eating. If you want to achieve this you should learn how to manage your emotions without turning to food.

Do you suffer from Food addiction. The first step towards recovery is to admit that you have a problem. Once you do this you can go online and learn How to stop emotional eating.

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