Glass And Ceramics Are Two Of Most Important Materials Used In Day-To-Day Lives

Posted by Indrayani Pande on June 2nd, 2021

Glass and ceramics is used in the making of dishes and tableware. It was not until the nineteenth century that glass was no longer made using the practice of firing. Instead, new processes were used that allowed for the creation of clearer glass, as well as the ability to produce a color that was consistent. This made the use of colored glass less necessary, and instead it became common to see simply clear dishes being used. Tableware that uses glass now can often be found at any dinner table.


The discovery of fire and the ability to cook food gave people the ability to create new materials including glass and ceramics that would greatly improve their lives. Glass began to be used in the form of vessels for drinking, cooking and even as an oven. This was a huge discovery, as it meant that people no longer needed to use metals in order to fuel their fires. People were also able to use their newfound skills for decorative purposes. Glass and ceramics quickly became popular as artists started to use them to create beautiful masterpieces that were meant to be enjoyed rather than just seen.


Glass and ceramics were not only used for decorative purposes during the Victorian era. They were actually used to make medical equipment as well. There is a statue of a woman holding an apple in her arms that is believed to have been made from glass. These devices were medical aids that were invaluable when it came to the treatments of those suffering from diseases such as syphilis.


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Indrayani Pande

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Indrayani Pande
Joined: February 12th, 2021
Articles Posted: 126

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