Tripltek: A Final Review and Custom Tablet Mount Install

Posted by Magnusson Fabricius on June 2nd, 2021

Hey this is brian coming to you today and i'm going to be doing a final review here on the triple tech tablet. I'M also going to highlight some of the custom tablet holders that i've ordered to fit just about any drone, or, i should say any gps. Drone out there on the market, so, let's get to it, shall we hey brian of bmax aerial visuals. Coming today from my sumptuous garage studio garage and here today, i'm going to show you all. The new custom made tablet holders that uh i've gotten from triple tech. These tablet holders are made for the tripletech device, because this this device is fairly thick. It'S almost an inch thick, if not an inch thick, so most of the standard tablet holders out. There really have a hard time fitting this. So we're going to take a look at all three of them for the the dji2 series and the dji mavic air and mini 2 series, as well as autel, the evo 1 and the evo 2 series. This thing: okay, i'm going to show y'all how the adapter sets up for the mavic air and to some respects the mavic mini, because i know the controllers are pretty close to being the same size. So this thing kind of twists into place similar to the other. One i have - and he said i always like to work with this strap. I just tend to leave it on it's just an extra layer of protection and it kind of fits down there. But i'll just pull this up here, get that under there and right into that groove there's a little groove. It fits into nicely, and that really is about it. Don'T see the passcode for my device here but, like i said this, one is the easiest one to do. Uh it sets up in just a second or two. Of course, i've got it on the wrong side. My usb is over here. It'S another good thing. This one really doesn't matter where that usb side is in, it works pretty good, either way like i said this thing is very sturdy on this support. I can hold it upside down left and right, it's not going anywhere and it feels very. Even this is very comfortable, so we are ready to go. I hope you all can see that okay, so that's really all the setup. There is for the uh mavic air series, so on this one, we've got the uh setup for the mavic 2 series, the pro and the zoom. So this one actually came with its own bag, which i thought was kind of nice, because there are some more parts to it. Um came with a set of instructions, but not really necessary because uh like the uh hotel, evo oops, that's another thing i like is this lanyard they sent with it. I don't know if y'all can read this or not yeah, that look a little familiar anyway. So this one is not too complicated to set up it's not near as easy as the uh mavic air series, but it is what it is. It'S got a series of locking lock nuts that kind of help you unfold it. So what you want to do. It'S got, this is a face plate. You want this to fit in here. Well, let tech tricks club undo that that might help get those out of the way, so that fits right over here it kind of snaps into place. You can move it around and this comes up here on the back and you want to get it to where there's a snap there. I don't know if y'all heard that or not so that's locked in place now, that's usually how that's going to ride so, but anyway, i'm going to get a an idea because the tablet's going to sit right here. So you want to kind of have this set up a little bit and then tighten down some before you get too far into this, and this is what's actually going to hold on to the tablet, of course, very, very similar to the ipad setup. So, but anyway yeah, this fits over that you screw that on how come things never seem to work as easy when you're doing it on camera, as when you did it when you're not on camera, now see if we get this in the right place again, this Strap can be removed. I prefer to leave it on one thing i found when i'm not using it for anything drone related, it's an awful handy carrying case so, but now this thing does have some weight. So this is where you want to tank down on your your uh clamps. Make sure they're all good and tight, so one thing you got to remember too, just like the ipad whenever you use one of these, you want to keep in mind that it doesn't interfere with your use of the sticks or of the antenna. So you want to generally most times line with your antennas up like that, so you want to kind of like that in the position, and that thing is still not quite right, so let me adjust it one more time. The antennas are completely free of the triple tech. So the only thing i don't like about this okay number, one we've got a lot of weight up here, but it is sturdy. You know it's not going anywhere. I don't want to hold it upside down. I don't trust it that much there is by the way, a clamp that fits down here. I did not bother putting honest in the bag just one more step, though, but uh it just fits over the top. I guess i should have put that on to show y'all, but i just want to give you all an idea of this anyway, not so much too, but just to show you what it's supposed to look like and, of course you can't feel what i'm feeling. But this thing feels a little top heavy and you know it's it's not as what's the word comfortable as the mavic air 2 was so to that end. This is why they provided the lanyard, which is a nice little touch. I'Ve got a couple of other lanyards and i like this one notice. It has the dji model on it, so yeah once you get that around there. Now this puppy's comfortable, i can sit here all day or stand all day and work with this thing. So there you go now, here's the thing, though this is still a thing with the triple tech. This is a usbc on the mavic 2 series on the rc's you can port in here, in which case it'd be better. If you flip this thing around and add your usb here and then pour it in over here, i have never used this port to fly with. I'Ve always used a regular usb port down here. Those are very common cables to come by they're easy to come by. In fact, some of those usb to micro usb not so much uh usbc to lightning yeah they're a little hard to come by to ones that actually work with this triple tech. So keep that in mind i had to buy two or three when it came to my autel series so, but there you have it and we'll go on to the hotel next. Okay, so i had mentioned earlier that the autel remote control for the evo works with the tablet adapter from tripletech. Actually, the uh. The tablet adapter is a standalone replacement for the lift or tablet holder for the for the evo i've got it on. Here. I didn't like this, like i said it comes with a barcode, shows you a youtube video as to how to put this thing together, because it's not as easy as the other two um there's some screws involved. You got ta have a screwdriver which is not a big deal uh, it's just a couple holes that are a little bit hard to fish. Putting this thing together, i had to go back inside and redo it and put this thing back together on its own, but i did get it put together and it's pretty solid. So i'm gon na go ahead and hook the evo hook. The triple tech tablet up to it right now, because this one is a little bit trickier than the others, but once it's on there, it actually holds really holds it really nicely so, but that flips up now that goes down. This is actually it locks it in place. This piece right here, there's some other features, i'm going to go into here in just a second. I like about this uh tablet, holder rather than the lift door. Let me just tighten this up now. You can press in here. I saw that now. This really does hold this thing securely. So so that's basically it i mean when i say secure this. This thing is not going anywhere, i mean the worst, you could do is drop it, and let me tell you right now, though, be honest with you. This thing is heavy, or, i should say it feels off center heavy, whereas with the mavic air 2 triple tech holder, this one really feels a little bit awkward. You know if you're holding it out like this, i guess you're going to make up for it by hanging on to the legs of the rc, but it is a little bit awkward. I mean it's not that bad i mean once you get used to it. The one thing i do miss, though, is the lift. Thor had a lanyard hook right here, so because it was an awkward as well. So this one does not have the uh lanyard hook. So there's that i'm sure something could be improvised, something else too. I want to mention now i took my lift door off the remote controller and be honest with you. This thing will fit, maybe not as snugly, but it will fit my ipad um, because these these bottom legs can be pushed in all the way. So it's going to hold the ipad, maybe not as securely as the lift door did, but it wasn't really all that secure enough in the first place, you don't want to slide it too much back and forth to the side laterally. So there's that so, as i said here well, my rc is ready to go, is ready to be sent to the shop. It'S got some issues, but i just wanted to show you um how this does fit on the rc for the autel equipment. It'S very solid, but yeah this i'm pretty happy with this all the way around for the triple deck on these uh tablet holders definitely makes the experience of flying with the triple taking much much more comfortable. Okay. So, to summarize everything there is to be said about the triple tech device. Overall, i am really happy with this thing. I'M glad i purchased it by the way. That is something else i want to touch on this all the uh adapters that you saw me put on. I purchased them all with my own money, i'm not being paid by anyone to say this. This is also not an endorsement. All i am telling you is. I found this to be a wonderful device to fly your drone with um, that's not to say it's perfect every device. I'Ve ever had be it my cell phone uh ipad, whatever else they've thrown out there, that i've got my hands on they're, all there's one or two little bugs that'll go like. Why does that do that? Why does that app crash when it's a thousand feet away? Just one of those things, but neither here nor there, the triple tech is a a really good device. It lives up to its name product name. Now there were some issues in the beginning. When i first got it way back in october, it was not ready for prime time - let's put it like that. So in november, triple tech actually contacted me and i got with uh one of their reps on a zoom connection, and he we went step by step on doing that. Firmware update. It was a 1.2 approximately gigabyte firmware update uh that ever since then, this thing has worked like a charm with autel autel was the biggest problem. Autel works great now with this thing, so no issues there, but whatever device you choose to fly with. Just don't forget the main thing don't become so involved in all the minutia of what goes into it. The main point of doing this hobby as a hobby is for fun. Uh just get out there and fly at least when you can. I know in a lot of parts of the world: winter is winter and i'm here in houston and it's january 20, something and i'm looking at bright, blue sky with lots of sun. It'S about 60 degrees. Okay, i better stop with that, but yeah i understand, but it's not so great, maybe where you are right now, weather changes all the time. All i'm saying is just get out. There fly and have some fun and i hope to see you in the next one. Take it easy y'all, bye-bye [, Music, ], [ Applause, ], [, Music, ], [ Applause, ], [, Music, ], you

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Magnusson Fabricius

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Magnusson Fabricius
Joined: May 25th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1