The Pros and Cons of Owning a Motorcycle

Posted by Sierra Powell on June 3rd, 2021

If you are thinking about purchasing a motorcycle, you have probably weighed out many pros and cons that you can think of in your head. This is always a good idea, but you may not know what to consider even thinking about or what the right answer is for you. Everyone ultimately has to make their own decision about motorcycle ownership, however, especially if you are have not yet bought one or not yet even obtained your licensure. In the information below, you will see three pros and two cons that may help to impact your decision towards motorcycle ownership.

Pro 1: Better Health

Believe it or not, owning a motorcycle can actually help to improve your physical health, but do not worry, it does not require a lot of muscle strength and tone. You do, however, have to know how to handle the motorcycle which will help to engage and build up the muscles that you typically do not use. You may also improve your mental health when owning a motorcycle as endorphins will be released which help to make you feel happier overall. You will also be in the fresh air more often on your motorcycle which will increase your Vitamin D absorption which improves both your physical and mental health.

Pro 2: Financial Savings

When you go to purchase a motorcycle, to start, it will be cheaper to own than a car. You will also get double the gas mileage than you would in your vehicle, getting up to 60 mpg on average. Insurance, though you may assume it would be more expensive, is actually cheaper with some policies costing as little as per month for your premium. You can also perform a lot of the work on the bike yourself at home which will save you the costs of going to a mechanic.

Pro 3: Longevity

If you perform regular maintenance on any vehicle, it will last you a lot longer and will be rideable for years. Motorcycles, however, can be rideable even longer than cars though as they are easy to perform mechanic work on and are easy to fix. Many o the antique motorcycles are even still running to this day and have been easy to fix for those who have owned them, making it a fun hobby too. Most motorcycles really are built with quality so that they are made to last you and your loved ones for years.

Con 1: Dangerous Rides

When you are riding on a motorcycle, you are more likely to get into an accident than if you are in a car. This may cost you in the end as you will have to pay medical costs and will have to pay for a New York motorcycle accident lawyer. Cars do not pay as much attention to motorcycles, so it is important that you are always aware of what is around you to avoid these accidents. It is also important that you wear the safety gear that is required, such as helmets, goggles, and jackets, in order to protect yourself in case an accident does occur.

Con 2: Uncomfortability

It is possible to find a motorcycle that is comfortable for your body, but this may require searching. Even if you do find one that is comfortable for you, comfort may lack when you invite a passenger to ride with you. You will also find that they are more uncomfortable when you have to bring along a bag of groceries with you as there is not much storage. Finally, if it rains while you are riding, you will get wet, leading to more discomfort on the bike.

If you are thinking about owning a motorcycle, make sure you are aware of the pros and cons listed above. These will help you make your decision and will help you know if it is truly worth it. They are fun to ride and offer potential savings to your finances and can improve your health. They can also last for years with the proper maintenance. Know, however, that these motorcycles can be uncomfortable for long rides and are prone to more accidents than other vehicles, especially when cars do not pay attention to you.

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Sierra Powell

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Sierra Powell
Joined: May 19th, 2021
Articles Posted: 19

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