What is the Best Treatment for Morton's Neuroma?

Posted by Denielpodiatrist on June 6th, 2021

Though the treatment of Morton’s neuroma depends on the severity of the condition, a neuroma specialist Houston will recommend what Morton’s neuroma treatment you should have. The condition is where the nerve of the foot is damaged or irritated. The symptoms can be eased with home treatments. The condition affects the third and fourth toes of the foot. The main symptoms include discomfort under your foot, more like you have a small stone stuck under the foot, and a stabbing, shooting, burning pain. Some patients experience numbness or tingling in their feet. The symptoms get worse if you wear high-heeled shoes or tight shoes.
Morton’s neuroma causes pain in the ball of the foot and it is a non-cancerous growth of the nerve tissue. When other measures such as exercises and home remedies fail, surgery is an effective solution. The earlier it is diagnosed, the less likely you will go to surgery. Though the causes of the condition are yet to be established, playing some sports and wearing high heels is believed to cause it.
Easing Morton’s neuroma symptoms
1. Whenever you rest your foot, it should be in a raised position.
2. Apply an ice pack on the painful area for twenty minutes every few hours. Do not apply the ice pack directly to the skin, wrap it with a towel.
3. Take over-the-counter pain killers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
4. Wear comfortable low heel shoes with a soft sole.
5. Use shoe inserts such as soft insoles. Metatarsal pads are recommended.
6. If you are overweight, you might be putting pressure on your feet. Try losing weight.
Book an appointment with a Houston best doctor for Morton’s neuroma if
 The pain is stopping you from your normal activities.
 The pain keeps coming back
 In two weeks of self-treatment to ease the symptoms, they do not improve.
 When experiencing numbness or tingling in the foot.
 You have underlying health conditions that will need more care to the foot, such as diabetes.
Treatment options
The Houston best doctor for Morton’s neuroma will prescribe custom-made shoe inserts molded to fit the contours of your foot. They help reduce pressure on the irritated or damaged nerve.
The podiatrist injects steroids to the painful area and to ease pain and inflammation. The number of injections is limited because of the side effects such as weight gain and high blood pressure.
Alcohol injections are also given to reduce the size of the growth and alleviating pain. For relief, four to seven injections are administered with a break of at least seven days in between.
Decompression surgery
The pressure is exerted on the irritated nerve by cutting the nearby structures. The ligaments that bind the bones to the front of the foot are cut to relieve pressure.
Removal of the nerve
This means the surgical removal of the irritated nerve. If all other treatments tried do not relieve pain, removal of the nerve could release the pressure. Removal of the nerve is usually successful, though, sometimes the procedure leaves permanent numbness to the affected area.
Radiofrequency ablation
This is a non-surgical treatment that uses heat to treat the damaged nerve.

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