A Step-by-Step Guide to Phuket Villa

Posted by Millsaps on June 6th, 2021

"Three Quarter Housing which is sometime referred to as Straight housing,", is critical for anyone trying to stay clean and sober. That means a place to live where any alcohol or drugs are strictly forbidden and, usually, where the other residents are also recovering substance abusers -- people who understand the trials of staying straight and support each other in the effort.

Such housing is at the end of a recovery chain that begins with detox and treatment centers, then, customarily, moves on to halfway houses. At each step along the way, facilities are in short supply. Millions of Americans in need of treatment aren't in the system or are stuck on waiting lists. But even for those who manage to get help, unless they are able to get the aftercare housing to reinforce what they learned in treatment, the failure rate is still too high.

In 2007, 23.2 million persons aged 12 or older needed treatment for an illicit drug or alcohol use problem. Of the 23.2 million, 3.9 million Americans (1.6 percent of the population) received some type of treatment for a problem related to the use of alcohol or illicit drugs. Of these, 1.4 million received treatment for the use of both alcohol and illicit drugs, 0.8 million received treatment for the use of illicit drugs but not alcohol and 1.3 million received treatment for the use of alcohol but not illicit drugs. Of the remainder, 28.5 percent reported that they made an effort to get treatment, according to the 2007 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, the Phuket Villa latest edition of the government's annual tally.

According to U. S. Department of SAMSHA, which stands for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, no health care coverage and could not afford the cost was the number one reason for 35.9 million when asked why they did not receive treatment and another 6.9 percent cited they did not know where to go for treatment. Imagine how many of these clients could have been serviced at 0.00 per month, the average monthly rent a Three Quarter House charges, an affordable figure for 85 percent of them.

A disproportionate share of people with alcohol or drug problems end up homeless or incarcerated. One survey of homeless youths in Los Angeles found that 71 percent had an alcohol- or drug-abuse problem. The Office of National Drug Control Policy has estimated that 70 to 85 percent of inmates in state prisons need treatment for addiction. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence advocates alternatives to incarcerating those with alcohol or drug dependencies -- but, says Council president Stacia Murphy, the reality of addiction is that "rich people go to the Betty Ford clinic and poor people go to jail."

Most treatment facilities and halfway houses are intended as short-term shelter, with 30- or 90-day limits. Straight housing has proven effective, however, if recovering abusers are allowed to stay long enough. An independent study has found that an individual who stays in an Three Quarter House for 15 months or more has an 80 percent chance of staying clean and sober.

A single mother is tasked with the responsibility of performing the role of mother in addition to the father role. Fortunately there is government assistance for single mothers through various programs available.

A single parent has a harder task than any two parent family. Most of the single parent head of households are females. Many single moms have not had the opportunity to get a good education nor sufficient housing.

Food and funds are often insufficient and the single woman, in many cases cannot afford child care nor can she afford a home. Consequentially, she requires assistance in order to for basic provisions for her children.

There is a government program called WIC which is designed for single women or qualified parents with children five and under. Food such as milk, cereal, cheese, juice, beans, peanut butter and eggs are the main foods that are provided.

Each month the qualified parent or parents are given vouchers which are to be use at any time before the expiration date. The above listed foods are all rich in vitamins and nutrients necessary good health. This program is offered by the Department of Children and Families.

Another program offered by the Department of Children and Families is called TANIF. This two parents or single mother government assistance program offers temporary financial assistance for needy families. Monetary funds are provided to qualified families. The parent or parents must meet all of the income and need criterion.

Grants and housing vouchers are also part of a government assistance program. The housing authority will house a single mom and her family for a fraction of the cost of basic apartment.

Food stamps are also provided. Over ten years ago food stamps came in the form of paper vouchers. Now single mothers use a card similar to a credit card to make all of her purchases. Each month, depending on a her situation and income, she is awarded a specific dollar amount of food stamps.

For medical assistance, there is Medicaid or various other healthy kid programs. Children can receive medical care at not cost if they qualify. Depending on the income, a small co-payment may be charged. Every state has similar rules and regulations that apply to single mother support programs. For more information on government assistance for single mothers, visit your local Department of Children and Families or see the site below for list of resources specifically to address individual needs.

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Joined: June 4th, 2021
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