Hope for a Better World!

Posted by Slater Taylor on November 24th, 2015

Starting from the birth of humanity on this planet, ‘hope’ is always seeking a new dimension everywhere. Just imagine if you would have been the first person on this planet, then what you would have been hoping for! Here, it doesn’t mean that you are a new born baby. Here, it means that you hoped to live on a smarter planet and that intention turns out to be real and thus you found yourself on this planet Earth. And gradually you started developing your family and so called the human race.

The above scenario clearly describes that humans are hoping for the something or the other thing at every moment. If that wouldn’t have been the case, then it was simply impossible for the first man to create a definite human race on this planet. It is just like your parents are hoping for more babies!

Every day, you must be hoping to get success in your exams, career or any other task. You may be hoping to get married as soon as possible and the same must be hoped by the girl who also want to get married as soon as possible just like you. Why we all are hoping every time? It may be because this ‘hope’ becomes a ‘thought’, which gives birth to a new desire or leads to a new movement in the journey of life. It may be because we cannot sit idle and we are always doing something or the other thing. And if you are doing something, you will surely hope for its best execution because you would not want to do it again & again!

Just imagine if everyone on this planet hope to create the better world! It will surely lead to a new positive movement or revolution which will change the whole world and you will find it a better place to live in. This simply means that ‘hope’ can change the world out there and it is simply very much possible. All you need to do is become the change you want to see in the world and people will start following you because they will simply start liking what you are doing! It is because everyone hopes to live in the best world and only a few of us ‘hope to create the better world’.

You can also become the part of the ‘give more movement’! Get started with spreading love, positivity and spread encouragement. Do something that leads to the positive change in the world. Create inspirational sticky notes and paste them wherever you go. Never think that nobody is reading them or laughing at what you are doing! You must get on doing the same thing without thinking anything else and then you will discover the power in your inner self which will surely tell you that ‘I am making a good change in this world’ and this feeling will ask you to do more and more.

Soon you will realize that 8 out of 10 people are following your movement. They are appreciating what difference you are making in peoples’ lives. In the end, this is what you always wanted to do! Keep on doing the great stuff!

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Slater Taylor

About the Author

Slater Taylor
Joined: October 27th, 2015
Articles Posted: 1