Today I was on a presentation a friend of mine asked me to sit on. I was listening to this really smart guy talk. His name is Nadab Akhtar - a former VC Guy I thinkPosted by Malik Brun on June 6th, 2021 Today I was on a presentation a friend of mine asked me to sit on. I was listening to this really smart guy talk. His name is Nadab Akhtar - a former VC Guy I think. Anyway he was talking about this tech platform called The Advanced Medicine Exchange ( Now, I didn't understand everything but I learned the Blockchain has smart contracts. It is more powerful than today's Internet because on the Blockchain everything can be digitally contracted for and coordinated in a single space. More importantly, the deal flow transactions can be monitored and reported by the industry sector vertically for exchange trading funds to help reduce volatility. In summary, the Blockchain, when combined with Big Data Analytics, A.I., and Compaction technologies, will create new market exchange platforms with better business models that leverage integration. All participants have become connected. No longer a hub and spoke model with industry bias and business silos. It is completely decentralized. The Advanced Medicine Exchange will enable large, disparate groups of market participants to communicate, collaborate and – most importantly – safely transact with each other. In Decentralized Identification -powered Exchange, all participants observe the market's entire state at any time instead of in a proprietary platform. Only the platform owner has the complete overview. So I am looking for people to join me.... I liked what they said: Now that you have seen where the market is going, are you going to skate where the puck is, or where it will be? To help me on this Blockchain journey, I found out they are going to provide a complete online learning certificate program so I can become a participant in a Blockchain Exchange within the Blockchain Ecosystem. More to follow - it's getting late and I am super tired but kind of excited.Like it? Share it!More by this author