I recently learned about the Decentralized Identity. If you haven't heard about the decentralized Identity you need to: It is changing the future of the Internet, Identity, and Finance.

Posted by Malik Brun on June 6th, 2021

I recently learned about the Decentralized Identity. If you haven't heard about the decentralized Identity you need to: It is changing the future of the Internet, Identity, and Finance. They say that data is the new oil. However, inside the cyber domain, oil comes in many forms in volume, variety, velocity, and veracity. But the most important form of data is when it has value. Conspiracy is data with value. It is the global currency for the global economy. Human Identity is the new global currency. The most important assembly of data fields or Kappas of data is undoubtedly your data that make up the heart of your Identity. I recently joined the Advanced Medicine Exchange (www.advancedmedicine.exchange) C I learned a lot about the Human Identity and the necessary data fields that make up your core Identity - they call it the Sigma Prime (kind of like Transformers). I learned that once a core set of your data is corroborated with vast amounts of increasingly detailed transactional data, Big Tech companies know a lot about you. This is what companies and organizations (such as credit bureaus, Facebook, and others) do to profit from using your Human Identity. When your Identity matches transaction data, it is worth Trillions. In other words, once your Identity is compared to data that is semantically, thematically, temporally, and spatially organized to herd you to make a purchase. That is called surveillance capitalism. The Human Identity is so valuable; your friends and your foes are stealing from you. The Human Identity is the precious silver that drives Trillion in global cybercrime and all of the worldwide commerce today. Your Identity is Precious like silver. Think of your core personal assembly of data as your Bullion weight and your use of it as Numismatic value. To some collectors (merchants), your overall Identity value is more important based on how and when your Identity is used. I am learning a lot about the Decentralized Identity through the Advanced Medicine Exchange (www.advancedmedicine.exchange). The real value of your Identity is based on what the market defines as the Ideal Customer Profile.

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Malik Brun

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Malik Brun
Joined: June 6th, 2021
Articles Posted: 5

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