When to see a doctor?- Dealing with erectile dysfunction.

Posted by Antonia Jessica on June 8th, 2021

What is erectile dysfunction (ED)? 

To define this condition in the simplest of ways, we will have to say that it refers to the inability of a man to get hard, and maintain that hardness well enough to have sex properly. In medical terms, this condition means that the blood vessels in and around the genitals do not supply the penis with enough blood which is a requirement to have sex and maintain an erection. Therefore, this means that the man cannot experience a proper erection, and without an erection, there can be no sex involved. The term is pretty self explanatory, really, it simply means that the patient involved in the question cannot function a proper erection. 

Now, since this involves the sexual organs, a lot of people think that this must be something extremely life threatening and scary, because it refers to the person’s inability to have sex. To be perfectly candid, people do not die fromt he lack of sex, therefore, there is absolutely no way why erectile dysfunction even needs to be life threatning. Cenforce 50 mg and other ED pills can be used to treat this condition. 

However, this does not indicate that erectile dysfunction is a normal thing to live with, absolutely not. Erectile dysfunction is a condition that happens to almost half of the world’s male population for a varying number of reasons but if it is left untreated and undiagnosed, then like all other medical conditions, it can become a much more problematic condition. It can tamper with the person’s ability to procreate, it can even lead to impotence in some extreme cases. Therefore, it should not be left untreated in any situation, it can very easily eb treated simply by using the correct approach, such as using Cenforce 50 as an oral tablet to treat the condition. Yes, it really is that easy, you simply have to take an oral medicine.

How is an erection achieved? 

This is very important for us to understand, because an erection is the firs step in getting to have sex. The mechanism that goes behind getting an erection is extremely complicated and involves a complex link of emotional and physical responses that manifests into sexual responses and what is popularly understood as arousal. Most men cannot simply get an erection by doing nothing (unless that refers to morning wood, but that is a discussion for another time). 

 The male genital structure is designed to be aroused under the effects of sexual stimulation and thus, lead to sexual activity. The process of getting an erection is important here because they are made up of many separate components that are both physical and emotional, and understanding which component exactly causes the  problem that is erectile dysfunction can be very helpful in getting a speedy diagnosis of the same. Cenforce 50 mg can help in staying hard for a longer time under effects of sexual stimulation. 

The combined action of hormones and the vascular and neural systems is what leads to an erection in men. In additon to this, there ened to be certain emotional and psychological inputs because sex is not compeltely physical for us, it is also a very intimate and emotional act.

There are three steps that lead to sexual function in males normally- the desire and interest in being involved in sexual activities, which is popularly known and understood as the libido; obtaining and maintaining an erection by getting hard under the effects of sexual stimulation, and thus, engaging in the physical and/or sexual activity; and finally, ejaculation or oragsm and climax. These three steps need to be fulfilled if the person wants to experience sex properly, and therefore if any of these steps encounters an issue, there might be a problem with the resultant erection or respeonse. For example, if the first step is not conducted properly, there is not enough stimulation, then the person will not get hard in the first palace. If the second stage is not done properly, then the person will not climax at all. 

An erection is obtained when any external circumstance or situation, known as stimulus, arouses the person emotionally, which results in the physical response. This will happen through somatic and autonomic pathways in the body, which will then activate certain parasympathetic pathways. This will then release nitric oxide from nerves and cells, and that relaxes the muscles around the genitals, which promotes increased blood flow to the penis.  Cenforce 50 mg works around this principle itself. 


As can be understood, this process is quite complicated, and any problems in any response can cause erectile dysfunction. If the nitric oxide is not released timely, muscles around the penis will not relax and consequently, this will hinder blood flow to the penis and that will not lead to a good enough erection. Cenforce 50 mg and other drugs in fact facilitate this process of getting an erection to help people treat ED. 

We spoke about the different ways that lead to an erection because any disturbance or obstruction in any of these pathways can actually lead to erectile dysfunction. This is for the doctor to determine by running tests or asking routine questions or a combination of both. 

 How can erectile dysfunction be diagnosed? 

Please remember that it is of utmost importance that you go to a doctor to determine whether or not you are suffering from erectile dysfunction. This is because unless you get yourself the right diagnosis, you will not be able to follow the right treatment plan and consequently, you will then get into even more trouble with your health because you followed your will and did not see a doctor. It is alright to be curious and aware through the internet but only a certified medical professional can help you correctly understand the extent of your problem. Cenforce 50 mg can only be prescribed by a doctor. 

Once you visit the doctor, you can be asked several questions about yourself and your medical history, as well as your family’s. Remember to not leave anything out when you inform your doctor. The questions your doctor can ask can be: 


•    Since when have you noticed the symptoms? 

•    What is the frequency at which you have been getting intimate with your partner before this? 

•    What are your eating habits? 

•    What does your work schedule look like? 

•    How often do you masturbate, if you do? 

•    Do you experience a boner when you wake up in the morning? 

•    Is sex satisfying for you? If so, is it more satisfying than masturbation? 

•    Have you undergone any surgeries recently? 

•    Have you undergone any radiation treatments recently? 

•    Are you addicted to smoking, drinking or drugs in any way? 

•    Are you currently under any medication? 


All these questions will help determine your sexual and health history, so that it becomes easier for the doctor to isolate the causes and finally pinpoint the issue that is causing your erectile dysfunction. These questions might also prompt the doctor to recommend you to a counsellor or a psychiatrist if he/she feels that your condition has more to do with your mental health than your physical health. 

A physical exam can also be conducted to understand the causes behind your condition, where your doctor can do the following: 

•    Touch your genital area and ask you if you feel any sensation at all. This is to determine if your nerves are working properly. 

•    Check the appearance of the genital area to ensure that there are no conditions that can deform the penis. 

•    Check for extra body hair or enlargement of breasts, to understand if hormones are affecting and causing the problem. 

•    Check your blood pressure or ask you to mentally make a note of it before and after you indulge in sexual activities. 

•    Check your pulse to see if your circulation is working properly, to understand if you have issues with blood flow. 

Erectile dysfunction causes problems with either one of these issues so a physical exam can help in understanding the problem quickly. Cenforce 50 mg can then be recommended as the treatment. 


After this, you can be asked to go for a series of lab tests, where your blood and urine samples will be taken to check for possible reasons for ED, such as diabetes, hormonal problems, chronic diseases or medication side effects. Then the doctor will prescribe you a generic Viagra like Cenforce 50 mg. 

What tests can be performed to diagnose ED? 

You can also be asked to go for imaging tests, to understand how your blood flow works under sexual stimulation. A Doppler’s ultrasound can determine the blood flow to the penis. Usually, the penis is injected with some sort of medicine to make it erect and hard, and a handheld ultrasound device can detect the speed and direction of your blood flow through the vessels in the penis, which can easily determine this, is one of your ED causes. 

A nocturnal erection test can also be performed, where you can be asked to wear a device and go to sleep. This device will test whether you have erections at night and how long they last. Normally, men can experience between two to four erections every night. If this happens commonly, then it is possible that the cause of your erectile dysfunction is probably a psychological and mental health issue, since you can actually get erections when you are not fully conscious. 

Some methods of testing such as pharmacologic Cavernosometry and others like Cavernosography can help determine if you have any venous leakages, which can also sometimes be a contributor to ED. Combined Intracavernous Injection and Stimulation (CIS) Test is also a very common method to understand the cause behind the condition. 

Other tests that can determine the cause and extent of your ED can be prolactin tests, blood sugar reports, serum creatinine test, lipid profile, morning serum testosterone test and so on.

How to approach recovery from erectile dysfunction? 

Cenforce 50 mg is a trusted and popular treatment, hence it can be very effective against erectile dysfunction. To ensure a speedy recovery, it is also important to make changes to lifestyle, eat healthy, exercise more and also, engage in sexual activities more frequently. Therapy can also be prescribed to make sure the patient has the correct mindset to deal with the problem. If all these are followed, it is very easy to return to normal life very soon. 


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Antonia Jessica

About the Author

Antonia Jessica
Joined: February 5th, 2021
Articles Posted: 19

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