Is your erectile dysfunction situational or biological?

Posted by Antonia Jessica on June 8th, 2021


Erectile dysfunction means a man is unable to get hard or maintain a hardness that allows him to have satisfactory intercourse. This is the most common sexual disorder experienced by males, but because of the stigma attached with it, most people keep it to themselves and suffer for years in silence, thinking that their ED is a result of their own negligence. 

Due to the fact that all discussion around erectile dysfunction is so hushed up, it is not known by most people that ED can be caused by something as common as hair fall treatments or riding a bicycle routinely. Most people do not also know that ED can in fact be cured very easily by pills like Tadarise Pro 40 mg, which are oral medicines. It is very important to understand what can cause erectile dysfunction, to be able to understand which course of treatment will work better. For this, it is important to know the risk factors and causes that can affect this condition. 

Risk factors that can cause and affect erectile dysfunction. 

Some of these are natural risk factors that simply cannot be helped in any way, while the others can be situational or environmental and depending on that, one can understand what measures to take to lessen the risk. Of course, once cannot completely turn their life around just because of one environmental factor. Even if you suffer from erectile dysfunction, it is not the end of the world, it is not a painful condition, it is simply a medical condition like the common cold or flu that will go away with the right kind of treatment and the right kind of recovery. We shall first talk about the natural risk factors that can cause and affect erectile dysfunction, before moving onto the situational and environmental factors for the same. It is important to note that risk factors can also sometimes sbe direct causes that lead to erectile dysfunction. The natural factors can include: 

•Increase in age in men- this is a completely natural factor that can pose men at a risk for erectile dysfunction, but very little can actually be done to combat this is any other way. With increase in age, men naturally become much more susceptible to illnesses, infections, their immune response becomes lower, and a combination of all these factors can then make them a greater risk for erectile dysfunction. Almost seventy percent of erectile dysfunction related cases are observed in men who are above forty five years of age. Tadarise Pro 40 mg can be prescribed in this case. 

•A sedentary and inactive kind of living- this is also a very important contributor to erectile dysfunction. If someone has a job that requires them to not do any kind of physical activity, and they do not do any kind of exercise, they are at a greater risk of developing and suffering from erectile dysfunction than the rest of the population because of a number of ways. Firstly, an increase in physical activity stimulates more blood flow to all parts of the body, and it then also causes muscles to move. Muscle relation and increased blood flow are absolutely essential to getting and maintaining an erection and when this whole mechanism becomes rusty due to inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle, then the person can eb at a greater risk of developing ED. This is actually related to the first point in many ways too, because as people get older, they start to work out and go out less, get less physical activity and tend to spend most of their time doing nothing. Older people do not have the energy to work or get enough exercise, which is why they make themselves susceptible to this condition. 

Now,coming to the situational and environmental factors for ED, we must realize that some of these may not be completely natural but cannot be completely avoidable either, in this sense, we have to get the best out of it and try to live our lives by being healthy, to reduce our chances of not only erectile dysfunction, but also other conditions like heart and lung disease, kidney disease, gastrointestinal disease, and so on. 

•Medical treatments- sometimes ED can even be caused as a side effect of certain medical treatments such as radiation therapy used in combating cancer. This is usually a very rare and temporary side effect but it can become permanent if the problem is not fixed timely. Tadarise Pro 40 mg may not always be prescribed in this case. 

•Medical conditions- certain existing medical conditions can cause as wella s be risk factors for developing and suffering from erectile dysfunction. For example, if the person suffers from medical problems such as diabetes, heart problems, lung diseases, kidney failure, endocrine problems, nerve problems, diseases of the prostate gland, all of these can indirectly increase your chances of catching erectile dysfunction or any side effects that are caused by these problems. Certain medical conditions, such as the usual high blood pressure, diabetes and certain other heart diseases can also affect blood flow to the penis, leading to reduced blood flow and thus, an insufficient erection. Irregular levels of blood sugar can also damage the nervous system over time, leading to poor cell reception under effects of sexual stimulation. It has been seen that men who are in fact suffering from diabetes also suffer from erectile dysfunction more than men who do not have diabetes. In addition, people suffering from diabetes can develop ED much earlier than others.

• A glaring addiction to smoking and using nicotine products- Getting an erection depends on increased blood flow to the penis. It has been seen that excessive smoking can lead to hardening the walls of the arteries in the body, which can then result in decreased flow of blood. Therefore, in addition to takingTadarise Pro 40 mg , it is very important to make lifestyle changes. 

• Cardiovascular problems, such as high cholesterol levels and hypertension, can also be risk factors as well as causes behind erectile dysfunction. These can affect and damage the lining of the blood vessels, particularly those that find their way into the genital regions. Making lifestyle changes should be encouraged while taking pills likeTadarise Pro 40 mg.

• Excessive drug usage- many recreational drugs such as weed, marijuana, cocaine and ecstasy can lead to erectile dysfunction and many other problems that will have serious side effects. These drugs damage blood vessels and can restrict nerve signals and also decrease blood flow in addition to affecting sensory response. This has become the most important reason behind youngsters getting diagnosed with erectile dysfunction now, especially in the last few years. 

• Excessive alcohol consumption- alcoholics often face problems with their sex drives, mainly ebcause alcohol inhibits the sensory peception of human beings,w hcih is obviously vital for experiencing an erection. Alcohol is also notoriously responsible for lowering the testosterone levels in the body, which then causes considerable damage to a person's libido. 

•Certain kinds of medications- certain medicines, such as antidepressants, antihistamines, pain medications, and medicines that are used to treat heart conditions like diabetes and prostate problems can lead to ED in some people. It is also important to note that if you take generic viagras like Tadarise Pro 40 mg without actually suffering from erectile dysfunction, you can also develop risks. 

In addition to everything mentioned here, other risk factors also play a role in determining erectile dysfunction, and they are: 

• Hyperlipidemia

• Pelvic or spinal surgery

• Pelvic or spinal injury

• Benign prostatic hypertrophy

• Peyronie’s disease

• Parkinson’s disease

• Lower urinary tract symptoms

• Hypogonadism

• Endocrine problems

An interesting fact to take note of in this discussion, is that all these risk factors can be both risk factors as well as factors that cause ED. Therefore, one should take care of their health, especially if they belong to the older populations. Therefore, both natural and situational factors can cause this disorder. The doctor can ask you many questions about your personal life to place exactly whether your erectile dysfunction is situational or biological. 

What are the main causes behind erectile dysfunction? 

 ED can be a result of conditions that may not always be physical in nature; hence to locate the factor that causes the problem in the first place, we need to isolate the different causes of this problem into metabolic, environmental, and psychological causes to get a right diagnosis. To understand what is causing the problem, one must look into many different possibilities to find the root cause and then do the needful to eliminate the root cause and by extension, the condition itself. This will also help in the correct diagnosis, and further cement the biological or situational nature of the problem. 

Injuries and trauma to the genital region:

This is a very common reason for erectile dysfunction.  ED pills like Tadarise Pro 40 mg will only be useful in the short run in this case. Many athletes and sports people wear crotch guards while they're playing to avoid injuries to the nether regions. if there are injuries there, then a more complicated procedure needs to be followed to remove the erectile dysfunction. 


Injuries to the spinal cord:

injuries that pertain to the brain and nerves can also cause sensory damage and therefore, inhibit the person's idea of arousal, and this can temporarily cause erectile dysfunction. People suffering from these diseases should always consult their doctor to understand more about this. 

Heart diseases:

Heart diseases and ED can go hand in hand for most people, since they are both risk factors and causal agents for each other. many times, people who suffer from erectile dysfunction are asked to go for a cardiovascular check up and people who have cardiac problems are asked about their sex life to see whether they are suffering from ED. This is especially true for younger people. Erectile dysfunction causes heart problems and can be a result of heart problems as well.


Diabetes can cause many problems in the body, and this is very serious because the drugs used in combating diabetes react very violently with certain kinds of medications for other problems such as erectile dysfunction as well.  This saw why people who suffer from diabetes can never self-medicate on any medicine, even common ones taken for headache and cold. diabetes is very commonly linked with heart problems as well, so it also contributes to erectile dysfunction in many different ways. It is recommended that patients who are suffering from both erectile dysfunction and diabetes should ideally stay away from oral treatments of ED pills like Tadarise Pro 40 mg and should try for other kinds of remedies such as implants and surgery since the drug interactions of diabetes medicines and ED pills can be very reactive. 

Prostate cancer: 

While prostate cancer on its own is not one of the reasons for ED, there are risks associated with it. Radiation therapy, hormone treatments, and surgeries involving removal of the entire prostate gland can have major side effects regarding a person's ability to have sex, thus, hampering sexual performance and also inhibiting sexual desire in many different cases. The male reproductive system relies very heavily on the proper working of the prostate gland, which is why any disease of the prostate gland will most certainly have erectile dysfunction as a common and temporary side effect. it is temporary only if it is checked timely, of curse. Mostly though, erectile dysfunction associated with prostate cancer and other prostate treatments is quite temporary, but this is only true if the patient is also not suffering from cardiac problems and diabetes, otherwise, the recovery process becomes much more passive. 

Neurological and nerve conditions and associated disorders: 

Neurological problems and nerve related disorders can directly affect a person's ability to feel and understand certain impulses and stimulations. if a person suffers from nerve damage they will not be able to understand and differentiate between a lot of impulses because of the damage to their neurological system. This can then reflect in problems such as erectile dysfunction. it is commonly advised that people who suffer from these stay away from too much physical activity, including sex. Tadarise Pro 40 mg and other ED pills and generic Viagras can be recommended in this case. 

 Endocrine diseases: 

The endocrine system in our body is responsible for producing and distributing hormones that affect day to day activities and functioning of our body,which also includes sexual desires. These hormones can affect sexual health, regulate the patient's mood and behaviour, control metabolism and reproductive functions. diabetes deals with the problems in producing adequate insulin levels in the body, and therefore, this also has to do with erectile dysfunction.  Tadarise Pro 40 mg can be prescribed in this case.

 Renal problems: 

Kidney diseases are also one of the leading erectile dysfunction causes, as well as a side effect of erectile dysfunction itself. Kidney problems can have a corresponding damaging effect on many other components of the body that can inhibit sexual desire as well a s sexual function-  hormone secretion, blood flow, nervous responses, and so on can be considerably damaged by kidney failure and related issues. These responses are extremely important to getting and maintaining an erection, and therefore, any inhibition caused by renal problems can directly cause erectile dysfunction. Chronic kidney issues are also developments that may sometimes stem from erectile dysfunction. Medications for these two conditions should never be combined unless the doctor says it is alright to do so since the interactions between them can be very potent and violent, and lead to worsening of both conditions in addition to developing more risky conditions.

Excessive smoking: 

This is the most common cause and a very common risk factor that causes ED in most men. excessive smoking is also dangerous to health in many other ways because it can directly contribute to lung cancer too. Too much smoking results in plaque buildup inside the lining of the blood vessels, which then constricts blood flow, which then does not allow blood to move freely to the penis under effect of sexual stimulation from outside agents. Therefore, this is how smoking can inhibit sexual pleasure and be a cause for erectile dysfunction. It is also seen that many people who suffer from ED and are chain smokers, get routinely addicted to using generic Viagras like Tadarise Pro 40 mg to keep up with their sexual activities, and of course, this can have an extremely damaging impact on everyone. 

Excessive alcohol consumption: 

this is anther leading cause behind ED, and contrarty to popualr belief, alcoholism in its truest sense will enevr boost a perosn's desie to ahave sex or create a romantic atmosphere or modo that can help in having sex. People who are alcoholics tend to develop neurological conditions later on, which messes with their sensory perception. Alcoholism is one of the biggest causes behind erectile dysfunction, and a lot of times, rehabilitative therapy is recommended in addition to ED pills like generic Viagras, to cope up with the loss. Alcoholics who suffer from erectile dysfunction are always advised to be sober for the rest of their lives to not mess up with their system again. alcoholism also encourages people to be inactive and sedentary, again contributing to ED. 

Routine addiction to drugs: 

Recreational drugs like marijuana, heroin, ecstasy and cocaine can have extremely dangerous effects on the body if taken regularly and this has become a very glaring cause behind erectile dysfunction, especially in younger men. These drugs work in such a way that the body develops a sort of dependence on them just once when these are taken, and this dependence makes it impossible for the person to stop taking them again. This creates a weird sort of addiction that one simply cannot get out of, and it is needless to say that drug addiction causes numerous damages on the body, not just of the sexual kind. in fact, drug addiction can cause heart damage, kidney damage, lung damage, and nerve damage which can then cause erectile dysfunction on their own.  Some people also get addicted to ED pills like Tadarise Pro 40 mg. 

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA): 

This is a sleep disorder commonly seen among working adults and it can also cause erectile dysfunction.Obstructive sleep apnea is kind of a condition where a person has problems breathing properly at night, which reduces their oxygen intake very much and this does not allow them to get enough sleep at night. This then affects how they function during the day as well, because without sufficient rest, the body goes into shut down mode. the lower oxygen levels will then affect blood flow and this will consequently be a cause for erectile dysfunction.  Tadarise Pro 40 mg can be prescribed in this case.

A sedentary lifestyle and weight problems: 

People wonder why erectile dysfunction is seen more commonly in older males, and this is the reason why. With increase in age, people ten to become disinterested in all forms of physical activity and they start living a very sedentary lifestyle that has very little to do with physical activity and exercise. This then leads to gain in weight, which can then cause diabetes, kidney problems and heart disease, especially because the person in question is much older in age. This will then have a direct link with erectile dysfunction. 

Side effects of medications: 

many mediciens list that erectile dysfucntionc an eb a temporary side effect, ebcasue some chemicals in these medicines are potent enough for peopel toe xperience some temporary rpobelsm with libido and sex. however, if the person is then diagnosed with heart conditions, kidney problems, mental health issues, they will definitely have a greater chance of prolonging the erectile dysfunction which will then no longer be temporary in any sense. 

 Mental health problems: 

Erectile dysfunction makes people believe that they are objects of ridicule, they should be ridiculed by society for not being manly enough, for not being able to do a very basic function. This is exactly why erectile dysfunction is not spoken about conventionally because it is something that potentially weakens men, makes them effeminate and therefore, makes them feel less dignified in their eyes as well as in front of society. This understanding needs to change, because right now, new literature is being circulated among mental health and researchers trying to see the relationship between mental health and sexual health.

The bottom line: 

Before prescribing medicines such as Tadarise Pro 40 mg, the doctor needs to properly know whether you are going to be non reactive to it, and exactly what is causing your erectile dysfunction. If your causes and risk factors are biological, you will also be asked to make lifestyle changes so that ED does not come back. If your causal agents are situational, the doctor might ask you to get therapy or remove you from the environment that is not conducive for your health. Either way, following these will definitely help in treating ED smoothly and quickly. 


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Antonia Jessica

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Antonia Jessica
Joined: February 5th, 2021
Articles Posted: 19

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