11 Ways to Completely Revamp Your buy thc vape juice

Posted by Lawver on June 8th, 2021

1. thc vape juice for sale Personal/ family history: It often, makes sense, to know, your family's health history, because it, often, informs us, of, some of the potential issues, challenges, etc! Certain illnesses, and diseases, have certain, predispositions, related to any medical issues, one's family, may have experienced, etc! In addition, it's wise, to be aware of, and keep, a record, of, anything, related to these items, which may have occurred, and been experienced, personally!

2. Physical condition (including: weight, BMI, health issues/ tests, etc): How are you, currently, feeling? What factors, may be related, to optimizing, your overall, health, and well - being? Is your weight, what is should be, for feeling best, and, is not, what might you do, to address this? For example, would you, commit to some sort of weight - loss program, and which one, do you believe, might be most effective for you? Will you admit, that the best approach, is, usually, making some sort of life - change, and, will you proceed, with the combination of commitment, discipline, and persistence? Do you understand, how, Body Mass Index (BMI), might be, relevant, and, how might you address these factors? What information about health - related issues, etc, might you have learned, based on medical tests, and how, you, feel?

3. Goals/ Priorities: Will you commit to giving yourself, an objective, introspective, check - up, from the neck - up? What are your personal goals, and priorities, in this regard?

4. Commitment/ discipline/ persistence, etc: It takes a considerable amount of commitment, to make any type of life - changes! Do you possess the discipline, to maintain it, even, when it takes effort, and persistence?

If you, really, hope to live, a healthier life, you will need, to make it a personal priority? How important is maximizing your health - potential, to you?

You've probably heard of bio-feedback. The individual learns to control certain aspects of his body, blood pressure or heart rate for example, by learning to control his thoughts and breath. He is hooked up to a machine which gives a graphical picture of what happens to his body at certain times. With this immediate visual feedback, the person can learn to lower his blood pressure and heart rate, among other bodily functions.

Stopping Your Blood from Flowing

Although I knew about bio-feedback, I had never experienced it. I also knew about the power of the mind over the body. It wasn't until I worked with a woman who had part of her hand pulled off by a tiller that I saw how life saving the mind can be when harnessed.

This woman, who was a mid-wife at the time, was tilling her garden. Somehow her hand was pulled into the blades of the tiller and ripped apart. She was a good distance from any help and was bleeding profusely. Anyone would be frightened in that situation. Being a nurse she knew exactly how much trouble she was in. She kept telling her arm that it had to quit bleeding.

Fast forward several years to when I met her at a workshop I was giving. In the process of telling her story, she talked about how cold her arm was. The doctors didn't know what to say except there must have been some damage that inhibited the blood flow. As we chatted I asked her to try something.

As I did some energy work to assist her energy field, I had her talk to her arm. She told her arm that all was fine now. They were no longer in danger. The blood could now flow freely because it would circulate in her arm as it was supposed to and she would not bleed to death. We all watched in wonder as her very white arm began to get pink and then red. It also went from cold to warm in a matter of minutes.

The Mind's Power over the Body

This experience was a dramatic example of the power we have within us to control our bodies. Just as those who are trained in bio-feedback can learn to lower their blood pressure without medication, so can blood flow be regulated.

Can you begin to imagine the possibilities of changing and assisting your body simply by learning how to talk to your bodies? Health care costs could be dramatically reduced simply by learning to talk your body and assisting it in working more effectively. You would be able to gain information about what your body needed so you could have optimum health.

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Joined: June 8th, 2021
Articles Posted: 11

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