10 Great phuket property Public Speakers

Posted by Mantooth on June 9th, 2021

Presently, the act is in full force in all states and is strictly enforced. The Housing and urban development department is primarily responsible for the upkeep of this law and any complaints related to such discrimination is normally acted upon by this department. It has more than fifty offices across the country and is taken care of by more than five hundred staff members.

The law has a history to its making. During the 1950s, there was a feeling that equal opportunities should be granted to all as far as dwelling facilities are concerned. This led to the formation of a body, who took on the powerful lobby of real estate industry, which tended to discriminate as far as selling houses were concerned. Though this dialogue did not have any specific effect, it tended to open a thought process about fair housing. Instead of passing legislation to this effect, the issue was doing the corridors of powers trying to be swept under the carpet. But, on 28th August, 1963, there was a huge demonstration by the public of Seattle asking for fair housing rights. This led to the desired effect. The Seattle human rights commission recommended an ordinance against such discriminatory policies in housing.

Different applications and countless numbers of demonstrations later, the government finally woke upto the fact that housing is one of the basic needs of a man and cannot be discriminated based on any criterion. Thus was born the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

A clear look at the history of mankind will show that housing has always been discriminated upon, especially by lobbies advocating for caste colonies and economical groups. Such kinds always find excuses to live with their own brethren or amongst the same social class, thereby ostracizing the poor or neglected classes of society. It is high time that such old thoughts are banished from the society and oneness be embraced for a better society, unaffected by the caste, creed or economical class divisions.

It's often said, the real estate/ housing market is a significant driver of the American economy. As a Licensed Real Estate Salesperson, for about 15 years, I have witnessed a wide - variety of real estate markets, including buyers, sellers, and neutral ones. I've experienced times, when mortgage interest rates were relatively high, as well as when they were considerably lower. For the past couple of years, prior to the pandemic, mortgage rates have been at, or near, historic lows, which has been a contributing factor, towards a very strong, overall, market. How might the economic and other ramifications of this pandemic, impact real property, in the short, intermediate, and longer - term? What factors might be involved, and what might be the probable, and possible scenarios? With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss these factors, and possibilities, but remember, when it comes to accuracy, and reading the future, there are no guarantees, in this key component of our economy.

1. Short - term: Since, there has been limited activity, for about 3 months, in the short - term, we will probably witness, somewhat of a surge of activity. Homeowners, who previously, planned to try to sell their homes, will be anxious to make a deal, some, because of personal needs, and some, because, their job/ career, requires a degree of relocation, etc. With the probably, immediately, of relatively low supply, and some, pent - up, demand, there will probably, quickly, be a surge of activity. In addition, since in many parts of the country, real estate marketing will have บ้านจัดสรรภูเก็ต to be somewhat different, because of public health concerns, the proportion of true, qualified buyers, will probably be, far greater than usual. The combination of low mortgage rates, and other conditions, pricing will, most likely, be, somewhat strong!

2. Impact on buyers incomes and assets/ Buying and getting a mortgage: Many people have seen their incomes, and personal savings, take - a - hit, these last few months. Since lenders, historically, use a formula, which considers incomes, assets, and liquid assets, to determine if they will provide a mortgage, how might that affect potential buyers, in terms of securing a necessary mortgage?

3. Depression mentality: As a child, I often wondered, why my mother, felt it was necessary, to always have a cache of items, including non - perishables, etc. We discovered, when she died, lots of her clothes, which still had the tag - on. I was told, this was a component of the so - called, Depression Mentality, where fears and security, were powerful forces and motivators. Will something similar, occur now, in terms of buying habits, and personal comfort zones?

4. Winners and losers: Although, many of us, were losers, economically, from the ramifications of this crisis, a minority of individuals, and businesses, benefited. Studies have indicated, there is now, an even larger gap, in this nation, between the haves, and have - nots. Will certain components (price - points) perform stronger than others?

5. Low mortgage rates: The Federal Reserve has announced, their plan, is to keep interest rates low, for a significant additional period of time. This will strengthen the overall housing market.

6. Fears/ uncertainties: How will buyers, and sellers, fears and uncertainties, affect housing, in, both, the shorter, and longer - term? Will this create a movement, where, there is a migration, from certain, more dense areas, to lesser ones?

7. Beyond the first six months, to a year: Since, it is difficult, to be certain, what the New Normal, might be, no one knows, for sure, what the real estate market, will look like, beyond that! Will future, potential buyers, be seeking larger or smaller houses, and what features, may become a priority?

When it comes to predicting the future of the housing market, there is no such thing, as an accurate, Crystal - Ball! Will you be prepared, to evolve, as needed, necessary, and indicated?

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Joined: June 9th, 2021
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