The Patent Cliff And Changes In The Pharma Industry

Posted by Jenelle on June 10th, 2021

Aside from a few free samples, some cheap pens and calendars, or maybe a sweet magnet to put on your fridge, is there truly a need for pharmaceutical sales reps? The pharmaceutical industry currently employs over 100,000 drug sales reps. Despite the currently inflated number of drug sales reps, some of the major pharmaceutical companies may be moving in a new direction.

Anti-freeze contains propylene glycol and ethylene glycol which are extremely dangerous toxins. Ethylene glycol is metabolized by the liver and can cause severe damage to the kidneys called "acute renal tubular necrosis". Sounds great huh! It also causes the PH of your blood to be more acidic (metabolic acidosis). Drano crystals contain sodium hydroxide which is also extremely poisonous.

Acknowledge the mistakes. When decisions turn out unexpectedly, the leader owes his followers an explanation. Inflated egos can make a leader quick to assign blame or make excuses, but a mistake unacknowledged is compounded.

The world has a bit of a warped view when it comes to anti-depressants. What do the studies actually say? That if you take a placebo - a sugar pill - that you have an 80% likelihood of improvement. Now we have this huge problem where we have millions of people 'clinically' depressed with no proper treatment plan, and the problem gets worse every year. We need to understand what depression really is: a label. It tells us that you have lost all interest and joy in the many activities of your day, combined with a low mood and sadness most of the time. Sleeping is difficult you feel hopeless and you have pharma news a difficult time making decisions. This makes sense, but what about the cause of all these symptoms? Is it simply just a matter of brain chemistry or is it your lifestyle?

The key to market success isn't following the herd. The key to success, and financial freedom, is to devise an investment strategy that suits your aversion to risk, your time horizon (when do you need the dough) and your investment style.

We all know that the pharmaceutical industry is a multi billion dollar main scientific advances a year industry, and they don't earn any money by curing your sinusitis! Your sinusitis is adding to their bottom line!

The key to market success isn't following the herd. The key to success, and financial freedom, is to devise an investment strategy that suits your aversion to risk, your time horizon (when do you need the dough) and your investment style.

But the team at U.C.L.A. had a different response - they will now turn their attention to developing a drug that will prevent this cancer stimulating effect of fructose! That's the power of the almighty dollar in the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry.

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Joined: May 26th, 2021
Articles Posted: 9

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