The Final ank Case Study You'll Never Forget

Posted by Mariko on June 10th, 2021

Regardless of whether Punxsutawney Phil goes back into his burrow for six more weeks of winter, he gets his day in the limelight. So how can such an innocuous creature as a groundhog become famous? It is in the publicity, of course.

The right publicity can elevate even the simplest activity. In fact, the best publicity is actually very simple, clean, uncluttered and straightforward. Think about the messages that captures your attention or inspires you to do something (whether it is to buy a product, make a phone call, do some research or simply make a note about it for future reference).

The publicity made you think. That is what branding is all about. It creates awareness. Personal branding doesn't need to be complicated. It needs to cut the clutter and get to your core message. What do you want people to remember when they think about you?

Last week when I wrote Bubble Wrap Branding, I got an incredible response from one reader about how my articles inspired. I'm sharing a portion of it with you as an example of how creating a brand can resonate with your audience (in my case, helping people improve their persona).

"I am so wowed by every newsletter from you! You always inspire me with your excellent content and message! When I get your newsletter, no matter how bad a day I'm in the Final ank middle of, it's always a bright spot to read your message. I have been meaning to let you know that for a while, and always seem to let my busy day keep me from doing it, so today, right now, I am stopping to send you a reply and say thanks for your wonderful newsletter."

Now, turn this concept internally. Wouldn't you like to have someone respond to your efforts like this? Not only did it make me feel good, it reinforced the fact that I practice what I preach. My personal brand captures my audience's attention and appreciation. Your brand can do the same with a little effort.

It takes time to position yourself as an expert in what you do. Your positioning statement will change as you evolve. Start by deciding how you want to be identified or recognized by your constituency. Write it down. Work and rework your core message until if feels right. Then, bounce it off a few people whose opinions you value and see how it sits with them.

Branding is always a work in progress so do not be afraid to change your core message if it's not capturing your audience. The important thing is to get started now. So don't be like Punxsutawney Phil and run back into your hole for six more weeks. The sooner you get started the sooner people can find out about you and what you have to offer.

Getting a business logo designed for your new lawn care or landscaping business is an important part of starting your business off right with branding strategy.

This article discusses the importance of having a great logo design in the competitive lawn care and landscaping industry and puts forward some points that you may consider when getting a logo designed.

With landscaping and lawn care, like all businesses, you are relying on making a good first impression. Some people make decisions based on their emotions and having a logo that appeals to them can go a long way towards having you advertisement stand out above the others.

As a lawn mowing or landscaping business operator you will find that you are out on the road for part of the day and parked outside the properties of your clients for the rest of the day. When your vehicle has this much public exposure it pays to have your company branding on your vehicle. Having a great logo can really draw attention here, first to the logo and hopefully then to your businesses contact details.

When discussing logo design with your graphic designer you should first consider the message that you want to convey through your logo regarding your company's values and how you distinguish yourself from the competition.

Think about how you want your customers to perceive your business. You don't want to confuse them so you may want to come straight out with some simple imagery of blades of grass, well groomed lawns, trees, plants or houses. It is great if people are able to recognize what it is that your business does as soon as they glance at your logo. However a quick browse through some logo design websites reveals that some lawn care operators are now going for more 'funky' looking logos with cartoon characters to suit their catchy slogans so this is an approach that could also work well.

Have a look at what other lawn mowing and landscaping companies have done with their logos for ideas but try to be different at the same time.

It seems almost a 'cliché' in these industries to go with various shades of green in a logo. While greens are the obvious choice for colors some adventurous lawn care start-ups are starting to rock the boat and are coming out with logos featuring combinations of other warm, summertime colors such as yellows, reds, oranges and browns.

A great looking, memorable logo should help your lawn service or landscaping business to grow into a recognizable brand that will help you to market your company as well as eventually allow you to command a premium price.

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Joined: June 10th, 2021
Articles Posted: 9

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