Alcan signs Coega smelter deal

Posted by anzhuo on December 9th, 2015

    Port Elizabeth - The Coega Development Corporation signed an agreement on Tuesday with Canadian aluminium giant Alcan, bringing the delivery of the planned Coega aluminium smelter a step closer. "Today (Tuesday) officially formalises the heads of agreement papers that were signed in November last year," said CDC chief executive officer Pepi Silinga.

    The project support agreement with Alcan is for the delivery of the R20bn Coega Aluminium Smelter (CAS) in the Coega Industrial Development Zone (IDZ).Silinga said the agreement committed both the CDC and Alcan to the CAS partnership and indicated the way forward.The CDC had two responsibilities towards the CAS project.

    As an authority, the CDC would ensure compliance with environmental considerations as stipulated in the environmental impact assessment.The CDC, as a service provider, must also provide land, human resource solutions, accommodation during construction, and utility services such as water.Together with the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality the CDC would also supply electricity.

    Alcan signed a long-term energy agreement for the proposed smelter with Eskom in November last year.The Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa has a 15% stake in the smelter, while an additional 5% has been reserved for broad-based black economic empowerment.Phase I in the construction of the smelter was expected to begin in 2008 and was subject to the successful completion of the project's next steps and financial arrangements.Chief executive officer for Coega Aluminium, Brent Hegger, said the finalisation of the agreement was a major milestone."We are very pleased with the excellent collaborative relations established at all levels of the CDC," he said in a statement.

    Alcan will occupy 120 hectares in the IDZ.It was expected some 2 500 jobs would be created during the construction phase, after which the smelter would create 1 000 permanent and 300 subcontracting jobs.

For more information: 6061 aluminum sheet

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