Are Pharmaceutical Sales Reps Really Needed?

Posted by Jenelle on June 11th, 2021

So you think the FDA is protecting us from dangerous medicines and drugs? Think again! It's gotten so bad that it seems it is protecting the Pharmaceutical medical scientific advances last year companies instead of the consumers it is supposed to protect.

Spending the first 23 years of my life in "socialist" Canada, and still spending much time and energy in their medical system with both of my parents, I may have a different perspective from the sensationalized one being portrayed in media.

In reality, all excess weight comes from lifestyle factors - namely not exercising and eating too many calories. It doesn't matter what kind of genes you have. That some people get overweight faster than others is no excuse.

But before you enter into the industry it is very important to familiarize yourself with the concept of pharma news sales. You can search for the jobs in pharma sales in the job listing boards. You first need to find out a good search engine which will provide you with top jobs present in the market in this particular industry.

It's no secret that pharmaceutical companies love to advertise. While your spending well deserved time in front of the television, keep an pen and notepad nearby. As you see a commercial for a drug, write down its name. If the company logo appears, write it down too. If you can catch the major selling points that the commercial makes about the drug, you'll be on your way to superstardom. I'll bet you never thought watching TV could be considered work!

The Good News: The dim light now becoming visible to many people is becoming a bit brighter when caring physicians step forward in defiance of the drug cartels. No...I'm not speaking of the Latin American drug lords; these are the drug cartels who produce today's plethora of tablets, capsules and liquids that are pumped into the human body in the name of health care. But a mere handful of physicians are putting patient care above profit.

The United Nations keeps track of Infant Mortality. The infant mortality rate (IMR) is the number of deaths of infants under one year old in a given year per 1,000 live births in the same year. This rate is often used as an indicator of the level of health in a country. Would you think that America was number one on the list and babies would be safe here. We are currently 45 on the list from best to worst. You can verify this on the CIA WORLD FACT BOOK or even as easily as checking Wikipedia.

So, even when buying small-caps, look for the balance between value and growth - the companies with name recognition and low P/Es, and the firebrand startups with incalculable P/Es.

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Joined: May 26th, 2021
Articles Posted: 9

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