Galaxy Note 10 Plus revisit: 1 year later

Posted by Ladefoged Hartvigsen on June 11th, 2021

[, Music ] all right so a little over a year ago, samsung dropped the galaxy note 10, plus an 1100 beast of a phone that aimed to carry the torch for this line of phones greatly loved by power users. So how has the note 10 plus fared over time? Is it still worth the pickup in 2020, looking back at samsung's 2019 with their s10 lineup and, of course, the note 10 plus itself, these devices stand out to me as phones that samsung didn't seem to try to do too much with no giant camera modules. No insane space zoom nothing crazy and not trying to take anything away from this year's phones by samsung, but looking at the note, 10 plus, specifically in comparison to 2020 smartphones, i think it's safe to say that it's actually aged well. So far its design is sleek. It'S very clean, it's simple, it's proven to be timeless, and, of course, how could we forget this awesome? Looking color the phone came in, this was really something else and it still is performance wise. I never found anything to complain about during my revisit. It has only been a year after all, so we shouldn't be surprised. Obviously it's still powerful. It'S still fast and i think the specs it came with will have it running nicely for years to come. So i'm not even worried about that everything i do on every other newer phone. This one handles all of that, just as well as for battery life, it remains solid. Of course, a number of phones have been released since this one came out and some of those have larger batteries, but i'm easily able to make it through a day on a single charge with normal use. Granted. This hasn't been my main device since its release, but i did use it as my main phone a lot and it's not like a 4300 milliamp hour battery is small or anything, that's still a fairly large one, and it also helps that this display is only 60 Hertz, so all things considered, while the battery may not be as big as others, things balance out to where battery life on the note 10 plus remains competitive, not better, not significantly, worse, just competitive, and now that i mentioned 60 hertz. Let'S talk about that display. It is still absolutely gorgeous in no way shape or form. Should any of us have thought that a single one of 2020's phone displays would make this one look outdated in terms of quality. This is classic samsung we're talking about here. I mean some of their panels from years ago. Still look fantastic today, so you'd expect nothing less here on a flagship. That'S just over a year old. I know it may not be as buttery smooth or as swift as some of these newer 120hz displays, but i do know that not everyone cares about higher refresh rates as much and honestly as spoiled as i am by. These newer displays on phones like the s20 oneplus 8 pro note, 20 ultra and as much as i wish this phone had at least 90 hertz. It didn't take me too long to adjust back to 60.. It did, however, take me a little while to adjust back to the power button sitting on the left hand, side of the phone we saw, samsung move that button right back over to the other side. On the note 20. from what i understand, though, a lot of people actually like this button placement as it's easier to hit with either hand. So i totally get that, but it was awkward going back to that kind of goes for the s pen as well. But in minecraft keep inventory command , meaning i had to get used to the pen being on the right hand, side again, because it's on the left on the note 20 ultra, oh and speaking of the s pen, man, i just i just love this thing. It'S so fun to use for all kinds of different situations, but you guys already know about this awesome little stylus sure the 20 ultra s pen got some significant upgrades over this one, and i had just as much fun using it [ Music ] now something that Stood out to me was the haptics. This phone has, in my opinion, they're noticeably better than what the s20 plus and note 20 ultra have. Interestingly enough, the note 10 plus has some of the best haptics on any android phone, and it was kind of weird coming back to this phone after using those other newer phones and literally feeling that upgrade in a sense other things like biometric security work. Just fine, of course, the face unlock, isn't the most secure thing, but it works and it's pretty quick. The fingerprint scanner is still the fingerprint scanner it works more often than not. The speakers are pretty good, nothing that will blow you away, especially in comparison to newer devices. In fact, listening to them again left a little bit to be desired, mostly on the base side of things, and i don't know they sound just a tad tinny. I don't know, maybe i'm crazy, either way, they're still real solid. The cameras have held up well too. Nothing significant to flat out complain about here, but of course you got to keep in mind samsung's image processing. I know some people really aren't a fan and i think it goes without saying that these cameras aren't perfect. They never were, but they were very good then and they're very good. Now the note 10 plus cameras from what i remember were a significant jump from the note 9's cameras in pretty much every aspect and, as expected, results still look great [, Music, ]. Okay, so i think we've established the fact that the note 10 plus is still a great phone. I mean let's be real, did you actually expect anything less? I didn't think so now. Is it worth a pickup here in late 2020? Well, my revisit with the note 10 plus was a very smooth ride. Aside from a couple small nitpicks, i didn't find myself desperate for or deprived of what newer phones have to offer it's an incredibly powerful device that doesn't try to be extra with it. A little hunting online will unveil significant price drops, especially in the second hand, slash refurbished department. I'Ve seen them go for as little as 650 on some sites and in my eyes that's a pretty easy recommendation. I mean this spec sheet and feature set speak for themselves. Do they not, and, as you know, it would take forever to go through all of the great things one ui has to offer from what i've seen and from what i've heard. The note 10 plus ended up being a favorite for many and not just for existing note users. Either i've seen people switch over from a different phone and completely fall in love with this one. It obviously wasn't a perfect phone, it still isn't it never will be, and i can't say that it's a total no-brainer to pick it up right now and that's thanks to more and more competition, but either way it is without question worthy of consideration. This is still a phenomenal all-around smartphone and i think it is an absolute gem over a year later, sometimes the best smartphone pickup isn't one that just came out. So what do you guys think of the note 10 plus in 2020? Let us know by dropping your thoughts down below in the comments, and we will talk about it, but that's going to do it for this video. I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did feel free to hit that, like button subscribe to the android police channel, if you're new and don't forget to hit that little bell icon to get notified of new uploads, it's been zack i'll talk to you guys later And thank you so much for watching.

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Ladefoged Hartvigsen

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Ladefoged Hartvigsen
Joined: June 10th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1