Phentermine 37.5mg 2 Month Update!

Posted by Gunter Ortega on June 12th, 2021

Hi everyone, so it seems, like I haven't, made a video in forever and I'm really sorry about that. I'Ve had so much going on these past few months and I just got out of the habit of making videos and so now I'm back on a regular schedule and we'll be hopefully doing a new video every week. For you guys. Today'S video, I wanted to talk to you about what I've been on for the past two months and it has been the weight loss, pills phentermine. If you haven't heard about fit or mean it is basically a weight loss pill. That is an appetite suppressant and it also increases your energy doctor-prescribed. So you could check here do have to go to your doctor. I'Ve now been on it for two months and most of the time when you go to the doctor and ask for it, they will only prescribe it to you for three months, since it can raise your blood pressure, it does have to be monitored each month by A doctor, so they basically will prescribe you for one month and then at that one month mark you come back and you do another way. They show your blood pressure, make sure everything is fine and once I've done that, then they will prescribe you another month and so on and so forth. Well, at my weigh-in and for the first month I lost a total of 12 pounds, which I was super excited about, because I had already lost quite a bit of weight prior to going and seeing the doctor about this. But I had hit a plateau. I was still eating the same. I was still exercising the same, but it's like. I couldn't get past this five pounds here and there I would lose five pounds gained five pounds lose five pounds gain five pounds and it was so frustrating and so aggravating. So if you've ever been in that plateau, it is the most frustrating thing ever so I did finally make the appointment and it paid off because I've lost 12 pounds the first month and and that was from November 10th to December 10th. So then, from December 10th to January 12th ended up losing another 12 pounds. So that's a grand total of 24 pounds lost in two months. I could not be happier, and it's amazing. The one thing I do want to warn you guys about is the side effects of it, even though it works great and you get used to it. There are some initial side effects that are horrible, that you guys should know about the if you're thinking about getting on this pill and the main thing was was for the first week. My doctor suggested that I only take half a pill because it the side effects, can be rough and your body's trying to get used to the pill. Well, I'm not a person who takes much medicine at all. I hardly take any aspirin tylenol. Any of that. I just I'm not a huge medicine person, so the first week was awful would wake up at 3 o'clock. In the morning I felt like I couldn't sleep felt like you were going crazy. I hated that feeling. I never want to feel like that. Again. It was awful for that first week, all those side effects went away. I was back to being a normal sane person because for that first week I think everybody thought I was crazy. Everything went back to normal and the only side effect I've been left with is dry mouth, which my doctor said is very common with that pill, which is good because you're drinking so much water every day that it's kind of flushing out all the toxins and helping You lose weight and fill up faster. I wanted to let you guys know too that this is not a miracle pill. It'S not just a pill, you're going to take and just drop a whole ton away, and then just it'll fix everything. It'S not like that. It is to help you lose weight, it doesn't just make you lose weight. You have to do your part as well, so I have continued to eat very well and I continue to exercise all through this and I've lost 24 pounds. Some people have been on it for the full 3 months and lost 1 to 2 pounds. You'Ve got to do your part with it for it to be able to work and for some people it doesn't work at all, and so, if you haven't noticed a decrease in weight and you're not noticing that it's working see if your doctor can maybe find you Something else that would work better add that if this pill didn't work, there were other options for me. So don't think that phentermine is your only option. It just happens to be the one that I started on and that actually is working. For me, everybody's body is different, so no, I said I lost 12 pounds each month. That doesn't mean that's good. What'S going to be for you, you might lose a lot more or you might lose a lot less. It just depends on how your body is. So don't just get destroyed and just stay on, track, keep eating healthy, keep exercising and the results are gon na pay off. I promise meaning I'm making a new video each week on different things. They might, it might be a beauty video, it might be a weight loss, update and but I definitely plan on making a new video next month on after my weigh-in to let you guys know how it went, how much more I've lost. So if you guys want to keep up with that, just be sure to subscribe to my channel and if you have any questions about it, if you're thinking about going on it or if you're already on it, and what? What what has your experience been on it? Let me know how it was coming off of the pill and have you been able to maintain your weight loss or has it come back on? I really want to know that's a huge question that I've had. Thank you guys so much for watching, and I will talk to you guys later. Bye,

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Gunter Ortega

About the Author

Gunter Ortega
Joined: June 10th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1