Top Six Home Tips as Part of Plantar Fasciitis Treatment!

Posted by Dave Woods on June 12th, 2021

It is time to heal that heel pain. You have suffered enough and you have suffered long. Why will you unnecessarily bear with the pain when you can easily get rid of it and lead a normal life? Don’t let heel pain prevent you from carrying out your daily activities. The most common complaint of any heel pain patient is that they are unable to stand properly, carry out the household chores and so on. When they try to sit or bend down, the pain increases. Make all these issues a problem of the past. Visit the podiatrist in Bath and get well soon. Let the podiatrist suggest the plantar fasciitis treatment. Today we are going to discuss some easy and effective home remedies that you can practice any time. And you don’t need too many accompaniments to practice these steps.

  • Tip No One: Start wearing slippers at home. Don’t walk barefoot. Many are not aware that the heel pain increases when you don’t wear any slipper. So whenever you are at home, wear your slippers. You should take them off only when you go to sleep. Isn’t this an easy step?
  • Tip No Two: Heel pain means pain on your foot. This means you need to wear comfortable shoes so that the pain does not aggravate. Uncomfortable shoes make it difficult to stand and walk even when you don’t have any heel pain. Can you imagine how difficult it will be to wear uncomfortable shoes during heel pain? If you still continue wearing uncomfortable shoes, you are only aggravating the pain, nothing else.
  • Tip No Three: Have you heard of night splints? Check out any online store and you will get an idea about this. The night splints are specially created for individuals suffering from heel pain. You need to wear this before you go to sleep at night. The night splint will help to stretch your feet and give it the right balance and support so that the pain subsides and you feel better by the time you get up in the morning.
  • Tip No Four: Did you know that if you sit while your legs are hanging in the air, your heel pain is going to increase? Many of us are not aware of this and end up making this mistake every single time. So the next sit anywhere, do not hang your feet. Make sure that your feet are touching the ground or you can sit by folding your legs.
  • Tip No Five: Whenever the pain increases use an icepack over the heel. The coldness of the ice will help to bring down the inflammation and the pain will reduce within sometime. Although this is a temporary relief but you should definitely try it.
  • Tip No Six: Try out the different stretching exercises for heel pain. Try stretching your calves, stretching your plantar fascia and toe stretch. You will find all the relevant videos in YouTube. Check out these videos to learn how to carry out these exercises. They are really very simple and you will pick them up at the first instance.

Staying fit and active is a personal choice. If you want to get rid of the heel pain and carry out with your active life you can easily do that. Just follow the instructions of the podiatrist as far as the plantar fasciitis treatment is concerned. And try out the home remedies mentioned above. Daily practice will bring about a lot of change and you will find that the pain has gone down a lot. What do you think? Are you up for the challenge?

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Dave Woods

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Dave Woods
Joined: October 29th, 2020
Articles Posted: 24

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