I'm so proud of you (DIY Wood Pallet Wall)

Posted by Waddell Lucas on June 15th, 2021

What'S all this noise, I hear going on down here: okay outdoor waters, starting now the first boards we have the wood we've got the cuts. We'Ve got our measurements. We'Ve have all the tools we're about to put some really sticky stuff on the walls and give your full-blown coat. We'Re gon na walk you guys, through the steps of building a wall like this, I've done a lot of research on YouTube. You know we're so we're gon na show you how to do it as well. If you want to kind of spruce up a wall in your house, the DIY project, a lot of people use shiplap - and this is a stain defense - would all this wood we got today. We probably have about 50 boards comest. This is about 200 bucks. It is a seeker, wood and it's stained. It'S actually meant to be fenced with it outside. It'S got a weather, protectant and everything we're gon na use it inside and then we're gon na use this to actually mount things on the wall do a display. This is gon na, be my video display, so this is a 5/8 thick six-foot cuts six inches wide as well. So if you guys will fall on with the technicals - and this right here used a name, a nail gun air compressor, we're using two, I may actually go up to two and a half inch 16 gauge Brad nails. I'Ve marked all of these studs with a stud finder dawna with a sharpie and I'm gon na put three Brad nails and each stud don't use piece of wood and then I'm also going to put that adhesive on there. So this baby ain't going nowhere, [, Music, ], [, Music, ] nice thing about doing walls like this. You don't have to be super precise on the cuts. Try not to cut these delicate fingers off. I need them for casting [ Music ]. That'S a nice saw, our walls aren't even so. That is the problem. You start at the bottom. You start at the top, which one is more even which one are you gon na have to do patchwork on at the end, and I think what I've decided is we're gon na start at the ceiling and we're gon na go all the way up to the Top and try to get this as even as possible and work our way down. I think it's important to show the first pieces of wood going up ball. Gon na end up hanging some stuffs up from efficient bricks too, as well how's. It look. It looks great. I can see I can start to see the vision. A little bit you can visit. That'S all we're gon na do today is kind of get the vision. So that's our first board babe check it out now my big project. No, this is one of our first big project. This house is like a constant maintenance deal, because the whole outside is wood and it helps to know a thing or two about wood crafting. I can do it, I'm learning this stuff and I'm gon na. Take you guys along for the ride to maybe you can learn something useful yeah. I bet. Oh man cave this is gon na, be my area. Don'T bother me in here. I'M just gon na come in here and smelled wood. I'M excited area because when Emmy and I are together, that means he can retreat down here. That means happy husband, happy wife, happy baby, it's all good family. It'S all good at the tree house. I kind of want to put one more board up, but it's also dinnertime at lfts house Sunday's, like our our family get-together day, so we're gon na go eat some salmon. It'S salmon Sunday's, that's always that's. The hardest part is like getting started. Getting going like that, it's not proud of you, you're, just yeah you're, just a DIY! You figured out how to do it. I did not have experience in this. I know like you know what get after it she's going crazy. Already look at her. She knows that Stephanie's pregnant, is she just it's like she smells it wants to attack, though she's gon na stick to her straight to osj? Yes, it's okay, be like I got ta be with the pregnant people. Sunday, [ Applause, ] mom's, making one of my favorites fried squash right, we're not baking it no we're frying squash yeah, who had her baby Joanna Gaines, had to know she's out she's, not bitter with us Tim I'm coming for. You, Tim been working on the woman. All day I'm making babies to chip, I played junior college baseball team chip. I'M just kidding. Let'S go fishing all right. Thank you. So much bye have a good week. Getting the wood wall started the big wall and then I realized we're gon na have some gaps because this wall is uneven. So I decided it's time that we paint the wall black so that if we do have gaps, it's not going to show it's gon na. Give it a more natural log, cabin look like there's something dark behind the wood ohd is is doing a great job. This is a very breath paint she by the way, all for the last week, I guess have been, has been freaked out about chicken she's asking a few toes hey. Can you can smell this chicken smell this chicken? I'M sure there's nothing wrong with it. My chickens! Five she's just getting weird on chicken. So the reason I did this tape on here. This is marking the studs. So I know where to nail in the ports but she's gon na paint over this and then we're gon na peel. The tape off and I'll still know where the studs are Emme has done, came with me the past two weeks. That'S right, don't paint in the cabinet a three dollar cab and it turned into a gold mine. It'S time for the tape to come off just want to show you this step before we get on with putting the wood up and I'm actually not connecting the boards on the ends to the steps I'm trying to get as many nails in the studs along the Way and then I'm going to actually put the boards in between the studs no reason to go to expensive paint on this wall, because it's pretty much just going to be covering up the holes now on another note: if any of y'all are here because you're looking For serious DIY contractor tips you shouldn't be here: this is B an OS g learning the stuff on our own. Please do not take anything. We say as contractor advice, like we've done this a million times. This is literally our second home and we're just doing DIY home projects. There'S gon na be mistakes y'all and we don't know the proper, perfect ways to do these things. We'Re literally just researching learning, watching YouTube learning from friends and then doing it, and maybe you learn something, but please don't hold me accountable for any constructional advice. Look how nice of that that goes stood at number two. No, I'm still number one. A lot of things happen in here guys so many projects, we got dreams and we got projects because for this house golly that should be a song. We got dreams, we got projects, maybe this one. I don't know Dave your doodle gotcha Dave, your needle, your bed. Your bed stop drop and roll. It'S gon na sling like this, be like in jail all right, [, Music, ]. I left gee where's your safety, glasses safety, glasses you're right. I probably should be wearing something else that I'm using that's real nice I'll. Take this brush. I brushed off the wood, the other thing that I'm doing for the edges, because some of the edges have a darker inside some of them are like bright white. So I'll take a blowtorch. You know just kind of burn them a little bit like a marshmallow, just kind of brown the outside, and that way it looks more natural when they they come together. It gives it a like more rough. Look, it's nice good for making little micro adjustments. So I'm gon na burn this part as an example down. I like that now, obviously I got to make sure that's not like wicked hot, alright she's up alright yeah. I got that piece up there. That'S a real dangerous move just say so at this point we're all level going across now it's just cutting the boards. How I want them, I don't want it to look too uniform or anything, so I'm just kind of cutting them at random spots between the studs and strap them all. Give me [ Music ], but this is a good stopping point. I feel like kind of rough, not everything's, perfect. I'Ve had to do some leveling out, there's small gaps with black. Thank you. I also think he's being kind of a perfectionist with the wall. I think it looks darn near perfect from my point of view, but he knows all the different crafts and everything that's been going on. So I've been kind of checking in every what 30 minutes yeah checking in checking in hey, hey, honey, how's. The progress going, yeah need a snack and you I don't know what day it is on this project. I'Ve been working on all morning and look what we got going on here. It'S all right, if I do like this, it just looks like wall see there. So we're getting places I'm out of glue, though, but it's coming together. I just heard you today we got something from this is outlaw it's not true, really so the Stephanies a lot of people may not know this, but it's Stephanie and Stephanie they're both named Stephanie yeah. They probably talk more than me now I'll. Do it's weird? Let'S see what's in here, you didn't know when you tune in this video you're gon na be getting an unboxing from the outlaws. Oh, my gosh they're little cowboy boots. Oh my goodness! That is you. Actually, these are perfect. These impressions - oh my goodness that is so Colorado, Texan and perfect. Yes, oh my gosh. That is the cutest thing, wonder what age do you think she would be able to wear those? I don't know, but she's gon na be wearing for sure little ones, aah! I'M the good kind of fat, that's cute, because babies are all fat but they're like the chunky, good-smelling soft fat. What is with that? Why don't women like spell love babies, [ Applause, ], you're, almost done, I'm looking at one piece left that now, there's gon na be a whole project in itself, but we are close. I'M gon na get this last forward right here and then we're gon na go. Get that table we're gon na put that bass on it, situate it up and we're gon na have a smile or smile of a hug. Okay, legs, it's been a doozy. This Site need to celebrate with maybe some high screamers. I think there is let us know in the comments: what is the best Blue Bell ice cream flavor my best for Craig would say a cookie two-step. I, like cookies, a cream which a couple others out of Grady anyway. Let us know in the comments I'm gon na find this last piece of wood come on. Let'S do it. One arm pull up real, quick, [, Music, ], [, Music, ], [, Music, ], [, Music ]! It'S! If you did, you built the mothership it's gon na. Take off [ Music ] crown jewel; oh my god, [ Music ]! It'S that wall, there's just something about it. Look at that gel all that hard work and there's so much more space for fish to go. So I popped we're pumped y'all that have this little piece, this little victory and all the things we have to do to this house there's many more projects. If you guys, like this kind of stuff, let us know in the comments, if you have questions or comments about the wood or the process or anything, I'd be glad to answer those questions, because I literally just learned it I'm kind of hyped up about it and I want to thank my buddy Lance were helping me with the process as well, and I think we should sign it off with a family hug with the wall. In the background, the wall is just like your new. I feel, like I've been replaced on number two. The wall is number one, no Amy's number one and any might have a fish up there. One day, that's true, maybe she might have her first fish, maybe if she's lying, if she's like dear old dad, so thank y'all for tuning in and God bless you. I hope you're doing just fine wherever you are and we'll see you on this [ Music, ]

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Waddell Lucas

About the Author

Waddell Lucas
Joined: June 13th, 2021
Articles Posted: 2

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