Guide To Optimize A Mobile App Before Launching It

Posted by appventurez mobitech on June 15th, 2021

Almost hundreds of apps knock on the door of the App Store/Play Store daily. Over half of these apps get fewer than 10000 downloads, 1/4th are considered unprofitable and the remaining are just left to be deserted.


Being among the leading iOS and Android app development companies, one thing we’ve learned after years of long haul is that merely publishing apps to the app stores doesn’t guarantee success. 


Your app doesn’t become popular overnight on its own. Designing and developing is just a cornerstone of an online presence. There’s a LOT of well-thought planning and work involved to put your product in front of its targeted audience. 


This post doesn’t guarantee to make you the next Facebook or Instagram, but you will be able to carve a niche for yourself and flourish significantly.


How to Improve your Mobile App’s Performance?

For businesses and Android app developers who have just finished the development of the ‘next-hit’ app and just about to launch it, first optimize the mobile app performance metrics by leveraging the following strategies-


  1. Minimize The Size Of Your Application

The smaller the size of your app, the higher the possibility of it being installed. There is no denying the fact that large size apps are storage hoggers and a complete nuisance. Users are often caught in a love-hate relationship with such apps as they cannot do without them, nor can get rid of them.


As stated by Google, ‘If the size of an app is more than 150 MB, chances are its installation is going to be lowered by 30%. For every 6 MB expansion in size, the install conversion rate could drop by 1%.’


Though the storage spaces of mobile devices have increased exponentially, along with them, the app size has grown too. Nothing impresses a user than having more apps without compromising on quality and device storage. So shrink the waistline of your app as much as you can.


  1. Image Optimization

Using optimized images delivers an engaging and fast visual experience saving you from hoarding those extra kilobytes of data. 


Use vector images, image caching, libraries like Fresco and Picasso, serve dynamic image sizes and apply colour filters rather than using different sets of coloured images to optimize images for high mobile app performance.


  1. Mobile App Optimization For App Store Search

Whether you are launching your app in the iOS App Store or Google Play Store, the most important, mutual elements to ranking well for both Android and iOS apps are: 


  • Visuals and branding used for the app.

  • Usage of keywords in the name and/or description.

  • Positive reviews the app generates.

  • The number of downloads the app generates.


  1. Optimize Your Mobile App Performance (iOS)

To decrease launch time and optimize the iOS app performance, consider embedding fewer dylibs, eliminating static initializers, consolidating objective-C classes, measuring your efforts using DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS and discouraging the usage of dlopen().


  1. Eliminate Latency Killers

Latency is the foe of an app’s speed that is known to cause app errors and crashing the entire application. To tackle latency related issues effectively, you can:


  • Restrict third-party latency sources when the quality of your network is poor.

  • Minimize the need for latency killer APIs that you may need to use on your mobile.


Final Thoughts

Optimizing the app before launching it is essential to pave the way for its success in the app marketplace.


Do note that there is no secret sauce of how to launch an app successfully. In fact, the mobile app landscape is so fierce that no one can guarantee sure-shot success. 


But you can follow these things to increase the likelihood of your mobile app being a success. Remember - Optimization is the key! The ultimate objective is to launch an app that not only drives downloads but also provides high user engagement and retention rates. 


Looking for a mobile app development company to get mobile app optimization assistance? Appventurez has mastery in building apps with reduced optimization time so that your app launches smoothly without any hiccups. 


Get in touch to know-how about practising optimum app performance.


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appventurez mobitech
Joined: May 21st, 2021
Articles Posted: 2

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