The Do’s and Don’ts of Kitchen Design

Posted by Andy Davis on June 15th, 2021

Being kitchen designers for years. We have seen a variety of designs from traditional kitchen cabinetry, improper space setting, poor-quality shelves, to super sleek, modern, and easy-to-use kitchen designs. The kitchen design experience that we gained over years can be beneficial for all the people who want to build a new kitchen or are thinking of renovating the previous one. Usually, when we have to remodel a kitchen we just think about the layout, the color, walls, and woodwork, and then we are expecting it to be a good surprise. Don’t make any stupid mistakes while selecting your new kitchen units that you regret every time you go into your kitchen. Here are some of the top tips and bits of advice that can make you adopt a better decision for your innovative and modern kitchen design. Some of the top do’s and don’ts of kitchen designs are listed here that not only save you from future regrets but save your time and money.


DO: Trust A Good Kitchen Designer

Do think about an inspiring designer who can understand what you want and what actually is good for designing the kitchen. The expert can easily find a middle way to sort out the wants and pros perfectly. Thinking about designing it all yourself from scratch might not be a good idea. Sometimes we do need expert advice. For this purpose, you need a kitchen designer whom you can trust. A good designer can save you from long-term regrets and mishaps besides providing you with exceptional ideas because of their experience that you on your own might never think of.

DO: Get Right Cabinets

While investing, never think about more or less. You need to think about the RIGHT INVESTMENT. Cabinets are the most used thing in a kitchen. You might think that high-quality cabinets are expensive. But you can save money in the future if you get the right cabinets that can bear enough weight and withstand frequent opening and closing. It might cost a big amount once but will save you from spending money again and again.

DO: Keep in Mind Your Dislikes About Current Design

You must keep in mind what things you really want to change in your kitchen. Brainstorm all the good options for remodeling to cover up the previous blunders. Sometimes you just need more space (kitchen space) by removing excess stuff the other time you need to upgrade your color scheme, some accessories, or might need to buy some applications. Keeping everything in mind before jumping into construction is vital.

DO: Consider the Family Members Count

While designing your kitchen into a better one, do consider all the people (family members or house help) who will be using and working in the kitchen more often. You can place the cabinets, install applications, fit workstations accordingly otherwise it might not be convenient for everyone to work easily in the kitchen.

DO: Plan Proper Spacing

It is one of the most important considerations to use the storage and kitchen space effectively. The best way is to keep a good balance between open space and an area loaded with accessories/cabinets. The smaller the kitchen area you have, the more wise decisions you need. With a limited space always try to keep it simple with a few applications and cabinetry fittings so you can leave some space free too. Don’t burden it with your design ideas.


DON’T: Think About the Bigger One

A bigger one is not always the better one. Designing a balanced fully fitted kitchen is an expert task. Sometimes we waste the space to make a bigger kitchen area but in actuality, we don’t need it. Just think about the number of people who will be working, think about the applications and storage you need, and decide the kitchen size and design accordingly.

DON’T: Follow the Trends Blindly

Following trends and modern designs in your kitchen is a good idea but not every time. Don’t just keep following everything trendy blindly. Consider the kitchen space, the budget, and the long-run designs. Most of the trends and innovations get outdated after one or two years. Never go for such sharp and bright trends that can drain your money demanding renovations every two or three years.

DON’T: Neglect the Counter Space

When you think about the designs for your kitchen, from the smallest useless thing to the biggest useful one. Don’t forget about the main and central part of the kitchen that is the counter space. Don’t forget to have enough counter space to do kitchen chores. We usually make this mistake and then face difficulty in keeping equipment, preparing meals, and then finalizing cooking chores easily.

DON’T: Forget Proper Ventilation

Forgetting about proper ventilation in your kitchen is the most common mistake that most of us repeat unknowingly. The smell of every day cooked meals can spread in the whole house if your kitchen design doesn’t have a proper ventilation system. It is vital for working effectively.

DON’T: Confuse Yourself After Taking the Decision

The change of mind after starting the design work can cause you even double money. Obviously, time will be wasted and even then, the end design might not be as expected. While designing we all get new and better ideas but that is advised not to make random alterations and changes in the mid-way. Just hire a good designer and trust his work and talent throughout.

Designing either from scratch or renovating your kitchen is a crucial yet difficult task, though it is very pleasing if the outcome is beautiful. There are thousands of decent and shady kitchen design ideas available. You might get confused after going through all of these. Don’t get distracted from your budget. Keep the long-run needs, wants, and pros in mind to get a perfect mix of them. The mentioned dos and don’ts will help you to get some tips and ideas about your new kitchen design. The fewer mistakes you make, the more time and money you can save.

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Andy Davis

About the Author

Andy Davis
Joined: June 15th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1