Market angle of the Passenger Elevator and escalator bazaar

Posted by beranter on December 30th, 2015

Market angle of the Passenger Elevator and escalator bazaar in Turkey ,Elevators and escalators are installed in commercial, residential, and mixed-use barrio such as IT parks, hotels, restaurants, and retail outlets. The bazaar for elevators and escalators in Turkey is absolutely afflicted by the accession of assorted admiring government initiatives, which aims to advance the all-embracing abridgement of the market.

 During the anticipation period, The bazaar assay analysts appraisal the bazaar for elevators and escalators in Turkey to column a advantageous bazaar advance amount of added than 7% and 5%, respectively.

Equipped with CNIT's proprietary mainboard and operating system, the terminals will display advertising and public information through Yunfa Net (, the company's cloud-based publication platform. Integrated with surveillance cameras and data collectors, the terminals will also transmit data on elevator operation to property management on a real-time basis.

Today's agreement follows a September 2 announcement that the company will install 1,200 new media elevator terminals in Guiyang City in Guizhou Province and Longyan City in Fujian Province, and an August 12 announcement that CNIT will install 922 terminals in Huizhou City in Guangdong Province.

To date,Fuji Passenger Elevator  have been successfully introduced into numerous strategic markets throughout China, an accomplishment that has strengthened CNIT's brand recognition and the competitiveness of cloud-based new media solutions.

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