How to Select the Right E-Liquid?

Posted by Nicotine River on June 17th, 2021

Are you searching for e-liquid to uplift your vaping experience? We understand that shopping for vape juice isn’t fun; there are several overwhelming choices to cloud your mind.  Here, we have created a guide that will navigate you through the selection of E-Liquid Concentrates.

What is e-liquid?

E-liquid entails ingredients like vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, added flavours and nicotine. The VG portion of e-juice is blended with nicotine to create an awesome flavour.

How to select the best E-Liquid Flavour Concentrates?

With so many options around the corner, how do you know which one to select?

1. Flavor

When buying e-liquids, you need to consider the flavour. Even if other factors are perfect, like nicotine strength, PG or VG, if you don’t like the flavour, e-liquid won’t be of any use. Fortunately, e-liquids come in different flavours to please different taste buds. The new users often select blends that closely match their cigarette brands. Many e-liquid manufacturers are aware of this fact, and hence they have created flavors that mimic these brands.

If you are new to vaping, begin with a blend that you are comfortable with. Eventually, you can experiment with different flavours.

2. Nicotine strength

After selecting the flavour, the next step is to select the nicotine strength to get the best experience.

For starters- If you consume less than half a pack of cigarette or less than 6 mg a day, you fall under the category of light smokers.

Medium smoker- If you consume half a packet or one packet, you are a medium smoker.

If you consume 18 mg to 36 mg, you are a heavy smoker.

Depending on it, you need to select the right juice. If your vape has too little nicotine or too high, it may give you head-ache; the good rule is to go with the medium strength and then let your body adjust.

3. Which one to select, PG or VG

The base solution of e-concentrate is VG or PG or a combination of both. PG adds flavour but produces less vapour. VG is dense and sweet, thus muting the added flavours, but it produces high vapor clouds. The most common ratio that satisfies the users is 40:60. However, certain users are allergic to the consumption of PG. They face breathing difficulty, headaches, skin rashes, etc.


A large number of e-liquid options might confuse a beginner as well as an expert vaper. If possible, experiment with different flavors before buying them. The importance of testing strengthens your purchase decision.  You can visit the NicotineRiver website to understand which flavour is perfect for you. All these factors in their entirety will help you to select the right e-liquid.

Ryan Adams is the author of this article. For more details about Wholesale Nicotine please visit our website:

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Nicotine River

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Nicotine River
Joined: June 17th, 2021
Articles Posted: 7

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