Hidden Gun Room

Posted by Powell Koenig on June 18th, 2021

On the build show today, jord and i are back at our hidden door and a shiplap wall project. Our owners been in now for a while he's got his collection moved in. So we thought we'd come back here, talk about a few more details in last time and give you some tips and tricks if you're planning a shiplap hidden door as well as a few things we actually might do differently than next time. We do one of these. Okay, guys we're back if you haven't seen this before this is a shiplap project, we're actually inside a upstairs closet and inside this closet. We'Ve got a hidden door for a suite collection and we've actually got a second hidden door right over here for storage. But on today's video we wanted to give you a couple tips: a couple tricks. We wanted to run through all the different pieces of hardware and things that we did here. So Jordan first off show us how this suite gun closet door works. Alright, so we went with a vertical shiplap because one of the tricks or one of the problems with a hidden door normally is you either have a horizontal seam at the top of the door or a vertical seam if you run horizontal yep, so what we did Is we went floor-to-ceiling with the vertical shiplap and are able to hide this first piece of [ __ ] flat like a inset cabinet door? These are handset cabinet door, hinges, hiding our lock our door, king keypad, okay, and then it pushes it right open and because we went floor-to-ceiling, you do not see the door having any seams at the top or bottom. We also held it off the top of our ceiling by about a quarter of an inch all the way around this room, so that further hides the door. Even when there's not an operable section of the wall, we keep that quarter inch on both the top and bottom to really make that door disappear. Now you get that black line, really that's running all the way around the room, and I like Jordan, how you, even as you go around the room, ran let's say the seam on the ceiling. Yeah doors closed, so door, real, quick show it here. The the ceiling seam runs right into the door, seems you just kind of had to pre-plan off yeah, and this is this - is common details anytime, that you're doing a shiplap wall ceiling. Anything that is a repetitive sequence, always think about way up layout is the big time layout, yeah yeah. You want to make sure that everything works nicely to where your ceiling lines up with all of the seams. If you can you try to get the seams to not die in an awkward position? You just think everything through you're going to make compromises, because unless you're building a brand-new house and can really put everything exactly where you want you're going to have to make some compromises but make sure the things that matter and will really make the project pop make. Those happen and then hide the compromises and other less obvious places. Now this gap, Jordan, we're like somewhere on a four, maybe three, sixteen yeah. Sixteen Scout tell me about the gap that I'm seeing here. What'S that what's that dimension? Yes, that's a 3/16 gap, one of the things that we would have done that we would do different if we did. This again is maybe hide this darker black yep here, where this panel is, you can see back into the closet behind. You can also see it over here on the hinges. There might be something easy we can do here to hide this one with a with a small piece of paint of material. To close that up, it gets harder on the hinge side because you've got a lot of moving parts back there. So it's not the end of the world. If you don't know the doors there, you're probably never going to see it, but it is something that maybe next time we can make it a little bit better, fully hidden doors, now open that up one more time and walk me through Jordan, the different parts and Pieces on the inside a couple tricks for this layout yeah. Well, first of all, you notice that when we, when we put in our code by the way, we will change this code for our clients, the door pushes itself open one of the challenges to having a mag magnetic door. Lock here is all it does. Is it releases the magnet the magnet, but it doesn't push anything out, so we went with a hot rod, pusher mm-hmm. So when you shave the door handles off of a hot rod, you got to get in it and you use an electric key that releases a latch. And then these pushers push the door open same thing here, just retrofitted for a big, safe door, a spring that pushes it open the first few inches it pushes with about 25 pounds, so even with a big heavy door on it. It'S enough to get it started and then you can grab and open it up. That'S pretty cool so that Street and show is the manufacturer on that. No great reuse of something else, and then it's pushing on just a regular piece of angle: iron, yeah yeah. So we just attach a piece of bangle line here to our solid core door: the solid core door. We put the shiplap on the front side, you'll notice that the hinges are half in the door and half in the shiplap to get the thinness that we wanted. This isn't a very big room: it's not a very big closet. It'S not a very big attic space, so we didn't want to have big two by fours turned on its edge and taking up more and more space. So we really try to make this wall thin because of that we had to compromise on our hinges and push them into the shiplap a little bit. Yeah, no Jordan. This looks like a Liberty safe brand, but that looks like what you see on the inside of a like: a big metal Liberty, safe, that's exactly what it is! You can buy these panels directly from Liberty, safe. Usually you see them on their big fire safes. You can buy these panels, we mounted it on plywood and then screwed it to the door, and it makes a nice extra storage. So you can have all of this. Instead of wasting this all with just door. You'Re able to keep your collection on the wall as well, then you've accounted for that weighed by adding a third hand yeah, whereas two hinges probably would do the door weight. Jordan wanted to make sure that, even if this was loaded down, they were good to go. Now tell me about the rack system in here: what's up yeah, so this is a Gallo technology wall panel system and we've got four vertical runs of it. Each run has three panels. What we really like about this is it's modular mm-hm, and all of these different mounts are very easy to switch around to switch around. So whatever your collection looks like you're able to move it around, you get you get a new gun, you're, able to add it to your collection without a whole lot of work and at lotusphere right. A few of the tell me about the black that I'm seeing around that yeah come with with that kit. No, so the black behind is just painted, plywood, actually bad. It makes it all disappear, yeah and then on the sides. We just we just finished it out with two pieces of trim, so that misses centered and then on the top. This is cool too. We'Ve got a shiplap that we painted that matches in black, so at the at the top and bottom. Both we've got that shiplap and then again it matches our ceiling. So everything looks nice as well. Well done now, what's this backup battery doing in the corner, this looks like a computer back out. So again, one of the you can do this two different ways. You have a latch that actually deadbolts in and then, when you put the code in it pulls that latch back okay. If you lose power on that it fells close that latch is closed. Well, we went with a magnetic release and if you lose power on this, it opens up if it's open it fells open the door is going to open up. So we put a battery backup on this, and this gives us about seven hours of power that will keep this door closed. Even if we lose power, it's not going to open up that makes sense and remember this door is not a fire door. This is not a fire safe, you need a fire safe, get a Liberty safe and maybe hide it behind this door, but this is really meant to be more hidden as the security, not so much that you couldn't break in I mean if you had a sledgehammer And enough time you can get through here or, and you know, fireman's axe and again it's also not a fire rated room. This is really meant to be. You know keep the kids away from it, and then anybody who came in here as a burglar that have wood number one. They wouldn't know that this storage closet had anything and number two. You can't even see the keypad to begin with, though so you've got several layers of kind of behind-the-scenes security, even though you don't have the fire and speaking of kids or people like me, who aren't very smart. One of the things that you've got to think about is you're in there working there's two different, there's two different two different ways. This opens. It can either completely shut off if you put in a single code or it can shut off just for momentary to let the door open and then it kicks back on. So you can just close it again like a latch. Well, if your so, what happens? If so, let's do that, so, if you're in here and it closes I've got a fussy exit button in here which belt will open up. You could really use this as a panic room too right. If you had, somebody in your house that broke in, you could run in this room quietly of course close this behind you afterwards and then pop it in the room and then once you once a thief or you know whatever bad guy walks in here boom. You don't know where they went or what's in here, it looks like nothing's in here, except for some Christmas storage. They'Re not gon na know to hit this, but then you could get out later. So you could turn this into a panic room and that'd be kind of a potential use for all the same hardware. By the way I wanted to mention this. The hardware is from dork King. You can get in a package and we'll have a link to that. It'S about 900 bucks for this. We started with the cheaper version that kind of a Chinese made 150 dollar kit and Jordan and don't waste your time. Project manager had a hard time that our wiring, we actually trashed that one and then went with the door. King system, so 900 bucks not cheap, but you know this is not not a cheap install. You want to do it right, however. Even that took us a little bit of time to figure out how to wire it all correctly and get everything right. So we've got a wiring diagram on that. If you do this, you can find that, on my blog and the be a link on the description on how to get to that blog post, as well as all the parts and pieces, the liberty, safe, the Gallow wall, rack system, the hinges we used all this. All these parts and pieces are there we're also using a goldenrod dehumidifier how to keep this a little bit. You know it's, it's not a sealed space like a fire safe would be so it's not as critical, but it does keep it a few percentage points lower in there than what it is out here and in the South when it's humid. It always helps to give you a little bit more D. Humidity yeah in space is amazing, this metal, Jordan, any tips on the wood itself and selecting this shiplap yeah. So the reason we went with the Windsor one is it's just a it's a winter one. Is this is the sexual actual ship laughing? It comes pre-cut, it's a finger, jointed system, so you don't have a lot of warp. You don't have any knots free problem pre-primed, it goes in very easily. They. Actually you can change that gap here. So it is butts right up against the mating. It'S nice and you're tight and so you're not spending a whole lot of time with shims trying to get it exactly the width that you want. Smart, it's a premium product, but it really makes install very easily and your finished product from a painting standpoint is way easier. But here on best wood for spoon carving was an existing sort of a big-box store type ship. Let and I'm just see as you look down it its board, it's moving, you guys know it didn't paint well, yeah. It took it extra two or three coats of paint. I heard from the painter on that exactly I'll, good stuff, yeah any last tips or tricks or things that you would do differently. Jordan from a different Lee standpoint, hiding the hiding that seemed, I think, would be a good idea. It'S always cool to think about what. If we spent even more money, you know, did we make it well if you could make it into a fire, an actual fireproof, so you know yeah, you can hide a Liberty safe back there. You could spend the money to do some sort of fire proofing to keep the the inside from the outside in case of a fire. You know we just lined these walls with plywood and painted it black, but you could line the walls with plywood. Add a layer of sheet metal behind the plywood, see it up a hard time, busting in with a ax, and then you could add two layers of sheetrock. You know five eighths type X. She Rock either before or after that, are both to give you at least an hour or more of fire rating. So there's a bunch of ways you could do that and, like we said earlier, this would make a pretty incredible panic room if it was a bigger size. This one's not obviously not intended for that on this size, but there's a bunch of things that you could do with it and then, if you wanted to spend, you know less money this. This is already a pretty expensive install it's not it's not going to be the you know, we're trying to spend a few hundred dollars and make a hidden room, but if you've got a cheaper collection or if you're, just wanting to have space. That'S not obvious that there's a closet there. This is not expensive to do. No, no, your our burner, yeah, some good hardware is all you need exactly so touch latch and two hinges from from just a hidden standpoint. This is just as hidden as this. It'S just not as secure and then of course, the sky's the limit on how much you want to spend to make secure. We, I saw some on Instagram, where they've got whole container rooms back behind. They have a hidden door and then you open it up and there's this whole man cave guns and I've got a fees. I got a builder friend of mine. Unfortunately, I don't think I could shoot there, but he's got house center construction that has a concrete vault. Basically, going on and a Liberty safe door going into that vault, so you know that's that's about as secure as you're gon na get nope guys super fun, video, big thanks to Jordan and his crew for just really doing great craftsmanship. As I mentioned, link in the description below for all the parts and pieces as well as to that blog post, that will give you the wiring diagrams that you're gon na need to get everything to work correctly. The way we've got it set it up here, comment below if you've got any ideas on how we could do this differently next time or also comment below. If you've got any ideas on different Hardware, different things, we can do in different video ideas, Jordan. I are published in several videos a week, so we hit that subscribe button below follow us on Twitter, Instagram. Otherwise, we'll see you next time on the build, show [ Music, ]

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Powell Koenig

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Powell Koenig
Joined: June 16th, 2021
Articles Posted: 2

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