Posted by Golden on August 18th, 2010


The use of a computer for a particular task involves essentially these steps:

-         Specify the task the computer is to carry out in terms of the input data to be supplied and the output data or results to be produced.

-         Devise an algorithm or a sequence of steps by which the computer can produce the required output from the available input.

-         Expressing this algorithm as a computer program in a programming language such as QBASIC. In a large programming project, step one above is done during a stage called systems analysis and designs which is not actually a programming process. However, no matter the size of any programming assignment, we must always specify clearly what the program should do (processing), what it should work upon (input data), and what it should produce (results).


It has been the practice to first define the algorithm in a notation convenient for its design and then encoding this design into chosen programming language. This practiced is still being encouraged.

In practice the first programs written and run on the computer rarely work fine. The programmer therefore engages in a cycle of checking and correcting his program until he is satisfied that it meets its specifications completely. This process of detecting and correcting errors in a program is known as debugging. Debugging act is commonly accomplished by running the program on the computer with suitable test data. Debugging art is only mastered through experience.












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Joined: August 9th, 2010
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