diet for cancer patients

Posted by yogesh chauhan on June 23rd, 2021

alternative treatments for cancer

Cancer has become a localized disease. An orthodox doctor in a traditional way aggressively attacks cancer by cutting out the tumor and flooding the body with toxic drugs. Their belief is that this is the best way to destroy the tumor. But often the cancer is still present and spreads everywhere. They fail to understand that cancer is a systemic disease and it spreads all over the body. Tumor is just the symptom for cancer and there are various alternative treatments/therapies focus on rebuilding the natural immunity of the body. By rebuilding the natural immunities, the ability to destroy cancer cells on its own gets strengthened.

Chemotherapy, Radiation and Surgery are the three proven methods for alternative treatments for cancer. These methods may actually shorten life in many instances. All these methods of treatment have demoralizing side effects and only acts as a treatment for symptoms. The probability of recurrence of cancer is high. These therapies at times may be necessary for rare forms of cancer and the early stage of the disease. It has been observed that cancer is the second most dreadful disease in United States of America and most of the cancer patients die of chemotherapy.

Now there are dozens of alternative treatments for cancer available. Each of which works only on a minority of patients who try it. There is no best treatment for certain type of cancer. The doctors/medical consultants are the one who are entitled to identify the best treatment method for a patient depending on the type of cancer and the stage of the cancer. Conventionally doctors suggest the newest treatment available. But this is completely wrong because not all the patients suffer from similar cancer and the stage of cancer may vary from person to person. Now patients themselves opt for the alternative treatment of cancer as the cost involved in it is less and the recurrence of the disease is much less compared to the conventional way. One should not choose a particular type of treatment just because it worked for a friend. Out of all the alternative treatments available like ACUPUNCTURE, AROMATHERAPY, BIOFEEDBACK, EXERCISE, HYPNOSIS, MASSAGE THERAPY, MEDITATION, MUSIC THERAPY, RELAXATION TECHNIQUES, TAI CHI, YOGA, one can choose any of these depending on the type of disease and stage of the disease.

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yogesh chauhan

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yogesh chauhan
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