How often should you opt for professional carpet cleaning?

Posted by Sarah Jones on June 24th, 2021

Practicing good home hygiene is imperative. And with the ongoing health crisis around the world, we are sure that you must be taking every measure to keep indoors clean and safe. 

But, no matter how top-notch your cleaning rituals are, the carpets in your house can hide unwanted surprises like grimes, germs, and pollutants in plain sight. Even if you vacuum your carpets regularly, it is possible for the germs to linger in the core of the fabric, invisible to your naked eye. So, it is vital to deep clean the carpets and rugs every now and then to keep the unwanted surprises away.

However, since vacuumed carpets and rugs do not necessarily look dirty, people tend to avoid Rug Cleaning in Southern Indiana altogether.

But, it is important to know when carpet or rug cleaning is of utmost need. 

So, today we will break down some factors of carpet cleaning that will help you know better. 

How often should you vacuum the carpets and rugs?

The carpets must be vacuumed at least once a week. This is because your carpets tend to accumulate loose particles on the surface. When you delay or avoid vacuuming, these particles can seep in-depth and damage the fabric altogether. 

Regular vacuuming can also mean you can go longer without calling in professionals for deep cleaning. 

However, calling the professionals is inevitable because only they have the technology to make your carpet totally clean. 

Top factors that influence the carpet cleaning frequency

1- Children: Little ones tend to spill things a lot. They even roam throughout the house in their muddy shoes. In fact, it is common for a household with children to have extremely dirty carpets in just a few months of installing them. 

So, opt for professional carpet cleaning twice a year to ensure your carpets last longer and get rid of stains and dirt. 

2- Pets: Another factor that influences the carpet cleaning frequency is your furry babies. If you have pets, then muddy paw prints, loose hair, dander, and other things will be a common occurrence in your house. 

Besides vacuuming the rugs and carpets twice a week, it is important that you opt for a professional cleaning every three to six months. Only professionals can offer your carpet the best treatment it needs. 

3- Have an allergic family member: Carpet fibers work in a similar fashion as the filters. They catch all the dust and allergens floating in the room. 

Once the dust particles and allergens build up in the carpet, they will become airborne whenever someone steps on the carpet. 

If you have someone with allergies in the house, then this situation can prove highly uncomfortable. So, ensure to get the carpets deep cleaned every two months. 

4- Colour of the carpet: Many homeowners have light-colored carpets to brighten up the entire room. But, the drawback of light-colored carpet is that it highlights dirt and stains quickly. This means you will require deep cleaning light-colored carpets more frequently than dark-colored carpets. 

To ensure your carpets look great throughout the year, opt for a professional cleaning every six to 12 months. 

How can professionals prove useful?

Just because the carpet cleaning videos look satisfying, it doesn’t mean that you should DIY it too. Professionals are in place for a reason. Their services can:

1- Extend your carpet’s life: The carpet cleaning method directly impacts the carpet’s lifespan. If you want to maximize the life of your expensive carpets, then hiring professionals is the only solution. 

Professionals use the right technique and cleaning agents after inspecting your carpets carefully; they will not only deep clean your carpet but will also extend its life significantly.

2- Rugs and carpets will smell and look good: Vacuuming the carpets and rugs will do only so much. After a while, even frequently vacuumed carpets look dirty, grimy, and discolored. 

By taking the professional’s help, you can bid goodbye to stains, grimes, and foul smells from your carpets effectively.

3-  Get rid of dangerous particles: As mentioned above, carpets hide a lot of unwanted surprises in the form of dust particles, grimes, and pollutants. 

When a professional is hired to take care of the carpet, everything from the loose particle on the top to dirt particles lurking deep inside the fabric will be treated properly. 

The professionals can also get rid of mold, yeast, and mildew growth. This means you will have an odor and germ-free carpet. 

Over to you

It is evident from the blog that there are various factors that influence the frequency of carpet cleaning. So, take the above-mentioned factors into account to determine the regularity of the professional carpet cleaning process. 

Also, don’t forget to call professionals like Windell’s Carpet Care for top-quality services at reasonable prices.

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Sarah Jones

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Sarah Jones
Joined: December 12th, 2019
Articles Posted: 250

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