The Benefits of Web Meeting Platform You Need To Know

Posted by Donald J. Brooker on June 24th, 2021

The web meeting platform is used for online discussions and conducts online meetings by drawing the participants of the meeting through a web browser or a separate toll free telephone line. Nowadays, web meetings have become a popular alternative to live meetings due to many unique features, which are not possible in live meetings. Online meetings can be easily recorded and stored so that the participants can take part in future meetings as well. One can share images, files and applications with the participants of the meeting from any location, as long as the web cam or internet connection is available.

Web meetings are helpful in saving time and cost. It can be conducted within the office or at a different location, as per the convenience of the participants. They can be used for multiple users, as per the number of computers and phone lines available in the conference room. This reduces the costs involved for providing web meetings for various meetings, such as seminars, training programs and sales meetings. Participants can take part of the meeting from any location and can share their inputs with each other easily.

With the help of web meeting platform, one can communicate with the attendees of the web conference and conduct training sessions even on the move. People can share notes and access documents from their laptops or mobile devices, which eliminates the need for using extra writing materials and spreadsheets. Besides, there are no restrictions on the number of pages that need to be shared, as per the number of attendees.

One of the major benefits of using web conferencing solutions for online meetings is the mobility aspect, as the participants of the meeting can be connected via any type of wireless device. Depending on the technology installed in the computer system, some participants can be connected to the Internet through a laptop, mobile devices or a tablet. Through this method of connection, people can stay connected when they are traveling, attending courses or sharing educational information with their peers at the same time. Through the web conferencing solutions, they can get a constant feed of information.

Another benefit is related to the desktop communication. Since most of the web meeting platforms are accessed using mobile devices or personal computers, it becomes possible to share PowerPoint presentations or screen shots while attendees are traveling in different locations. Some web video conferencing services also support offline access, where the attendees can share audio files as well as images without any prior knowledge of the participants.

Advancement in technology has made it possible to use applications on the go. This is done by means of web-based applications, which can run on the desktop of the participants. This feature allows the participants to carry out a variety of functions, as per their convenience. One example of this is a telephone conference call. Through this method of communication, the host can send instructions or reports to all the participants through his or her phone. It also allows the participants to share their views on the events unfolding within the meeting room.

Web meetings are particularly beneficial for multinational companies that have employees scattered all over the world. Through conferencing, they can easily hold office meetings at any time and date. This is especially useful for senior level officials who need to communicate with their staff members on a regular basis. In addition, it helps reduce expenses and improve efficiency. It is also a very effective tool for handling emergencies in large offices.

In order to take advantage of the online meetings that were provided by the Onstream Meetings, a web conference must be pre-arranged. This process is made possible with the Onstream Meetings software. The software provider offers two different packages - the Web Meeting Platform and the Onboard Conferencing Service. The former makes it possible for people from various departments of the company to log in to the web conferencing platform and participate in the meetings; while the latter provides the tools for online meetings, which enable participants to send files, share documents and collaborate on projects.

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Donald J. Brooker

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Donald J. Brooker
Joined: November 14th, 2019
Articles Posted: 251

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