How people are fighting a noncommunicable disease in Asia?

Posted by Rachel Christian on February 5th, 2016

Some diseases are noncommunicable but it doesn’t make them safe for others. It is a medical condition that states properties of the virus or bacteria associated with the disease. It states that the virus or bacteria attacks only on specific conditions. Cancer is an example of noncommunicable disease in Asia.

Just like cancer, HIV AIDS is also safe for others. You won’t get HIV infection even by nursing an HIV patient. But both cancer and AIDS are deadly diseases killing millions every year. Another classification of disease could be preventable and not preventable. Cancer and HIV both fall in the category of preventable problems. And it is easy to prevent these diseases.

 We’ve learnt lessons from past

Number of cancer patients has decreased from urban areas as people living in cities have access to healthcare facilities and also they are continuously bombarded with tips on how to prevent cancer. Also city people have access to clean drinking water and food items. But rural areas are lacking even the basic healthcare facilities. It is for this reason that cancer has become the most deadly noncommunicable disease in Asia.

HIV infection spreads only with infected blood. There is no other way of getting AIDS virus other than by coming into contact with infected persons. But it can’t be said for cancer that has its roots in lifestyle. Smoking, chewing tobacco, alcoholism and drinking untreated water are some of the reasons for development of cancer.

 What lessons are learnt?

It won’t be possible to fight with this non-communicable disease in Asia without involvement of society and social groups. Many NGOs are working in this direction and research work is done to find ways to aware people about this disease and precautionary measures to prevent from falling prey to cancer virus. New health centers are opened in rural areas and existing infrastructure strengthened.

 Who are more vulnerable to cancer?

Today everyone is standing at the same place. Everyone is vulnerable to cancer because lifestyle has change for worst. People are consuming more tobacco and alcohol and also there is pollution that is a bigger challenge than tobacco and alcohol.

This noncommunicable disease in Asia isn’t as dangerous as considered as one can easily ditch cancer by leading a healthy life. Take healthy food, stay active and avoid tobacco and alcohol. These are some of the ways, you can rely on to stay safe from cancer.

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Rachel Christian

About the Author

Rachel Christian
Joined: September 19th, 2015
Articles Posted: 6

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