Get Started With Business And Content Creation On Instagram

Posted by Nitin Saini on July 2nd, 2021

As vast as this space called Instagram is, it could be overwhelming at times and daunting for some people who are just getting started with their new endeavours on this platform. The questions “how will I stand out of the crowd”? “how will I make myself seen?” “will I get the desired engagement online?” might have crossed your mind too. If yes, then this is the perfect place you have landed in. We have got answers to some of your queries which are sure to make a difference in how you use Instagram to attract an audience and boost your reach.

You are in luck to have stumbled upon this article because here we will discuss some basic and simple Instagram tricks that people tend to overlook that can help your content reach a large number of people. These are very easy to follow and are sure to highlight your work in the best way. So, if this sounds up your alley, make sure you read this article till the end.

Let’s get started…..

Set Up Your Account And Profile And Don’t Miss Out On Details.

This is the prerequisite for starting a business or content creation page on this platform. As simple and primitive as this may sound, doing this right will do more than half of your work and the efficiency of your work will start right from here.

We will discuss some of the basic details that people overlook but you can use them to your advantage-

  • Logo/ profile picture- if you are a business account then this tip will be a life-saver for you. Remember how Mark Zuckerberg dropped “The” from “The Facebook” and went ahead with just “Facebook” to make it look neat? We need to do the same. Your profile picture is probably the first thing that anyone notices along with your bio. The picture appears in a small circle. So make sure you do not fit a bog picture into it, or a text (the restriction of the frame space makes it illegible).

In place of that, make an attractive logo, one that can be easily seen and recognised. Do it with catchy colours and background, one that catches anyone attention just by a glimpse of it, this will help people remember your page.

  • Write a short and crisp bio- as the name suggests, this is your page’s bio-data, so make sure you dispose of all the relevant details about your page and the product and services you have to offer.

If you have a website, mention that in your bio. Share links to your blogs or Youtube channels. Make use of all the action buttons provided by Instagram, like create short-cut buttons that would take the users directly to your email address, call, directions, etc.

  • Focus on curating your posts-

Consistency is the key and making it appealing is the way to get that key working. You must keep posting about your content regularly. Take a note of what kind of content receives the maximum engagement, what your audience likes and then improvise on it. Make schedules of your post that would align with the Instagram algorithm.

There are few things you should keep in mind while posting content. Try to maintain an aesthetic for your page, this would develop a trust for your page in your followers and will help them identify your page among many other similar pages.

Write a relevant caption for all your posts, make it short and crisp. Add location in your post, this way it will be visible to everyone who searches for things in and around that location. Tag people in your post, this way your post will be visible in their feeds as well and will increase the engagement on your post. Share links in your captions too, in most cases the link will be unclickable, therefore, make sure you put in a short link. Use link shortening services like Bitly.

  • Share posts in your stories- share your recent works and updates in your stories and let people know what’s cooking! Sometimes people miss out on your posts but stories will work as a reminder for them.

Create aesthetic stories that people find it hard to resist checking your feed out.

Here Are Some Amazing Tips That Would Help You Do Everything That Is Mentioned Above

  • Use video/photo editor apps- there are many apps available in the market that help you in adding an edge to your post. Fix your lighting, color correct your post, crop it, play around with it and have fun.

You can use apps like Lightroom and PicsArt to do the same.

  • Download Instagram videos and images- if you are a content creator then this tip is tailor-made for you. Download IG videos and images to re-create the content of your favorite artists.

You can use the Status Downloader for WhatsApp app powered by jameinfotech to do so.


Hope this article helped you in some way and will come in handy for you now or later. Like many other people using these tricks, it is time for you too to flourish and have a great social media presence. We hope you make the most of these tips.

Also Read: How To Put Up Link On Instagram And Increase Reach?

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Nitin Saini

About the Author

Nitin Saini
Joined: June 7th, 2020
Articles Posted: 6

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