Donate Books to Your Donation Drop Box Near MePosted by Dickerson Eskildsen on July 3rd, 2021 A donation drop box near me is one of the most important things that I have to consider in my business. The reason for this is because many of my clients and customers rely on me to manage their donations. And if they are not handled properly, then it will result to loss of income. So, I have to make sure that everything goes well between us. For instance, I have a lady who needs to donate some clothes. And she lives in a very tough neighborhood. I therefore asked her to give up her car so that I can visit her house to collect the clothes that she donated. She gave up, and later told me that her car was stolen by the parole officer. I was sad to hear her story. So, I decided to get her a new one. I got her a donation bin in Fort Worth. Then I just told her to place her old car in the donation bins. After that, I informed her that the donation bins are only for handicapped and the elderly. I asked her why she did not inform me that the correlation coefficient of the Fort Worth area and the probability of her car being stolen are 0.5%. I explained to her that the correlation coefficient of the Fort Worth area and the probability of her car being stolen are negative. Therefore, I asked her why she didn't inform me that there is a correlation coefficient of zero between her vehicle being stolen and her leaving the premises (out of town). She told me that she just remembered that I told her that there was such a correlation coefficient. So, I took a look at her records. After going through a couple of records, I found out that there was indeed a correlation between her leaving town (with the donations) and her having new books placed in the donation bins. Her book donations came pretty easily. She just told me to go ahead and take care of it. She also had a few books that were on her bookshelf that she no longer needed. These were books that she hadn't read in a long time. This definitely explains her surprising newness to the town, even though she was already staying in it for several years. In addition, she told me that her gift box near my house has helped her out a lot. She no longer has to wait for delivery of her new books, she can now just go down to the donation drop box near my house and get them when they are empty. When I compared the odds of her leaving town with the odds of her having new books placed in her book donation drop box near me, it was very apparent that the correlation is almost non-existent. Therefore, I don't think it's very helpful to tell people that their gifts will help someone else. They should be given with discretion and care. On the other hand, if someone comes up to you and tells you that they are getting new bookshelves to place in them, you should listen. Let them know that your donation bin is not the place to donate old books. Instead, let agency know that they can donate old books to you. This way, you will both be helping out someone who is in need, as well as giving the person one last thing they need to get rid of their old books before joining you in donating them to charity. In conclusion, donation drop boxes are great. I just think it's important for people to realize that they should keep that in mind before they give anyone anything away. Donating old books or other items that can be useful to someone is great, but if you're not going to be able to accommodate the donation at home, don't even think about sending it there. It just makes no sense at all.Like it? Share it!More by this author |