What does Xanax look like Explained in Instagram Photos

Posted by Rusk on July 14th, 2021

What does Xanax do

Most people who take this drug recreationally, describe the feeling as calming or sedating.

Unlike some drugs, such as cocaine, that generate a “high” or euphoric feeling, Xanax uses describe feeling more quiet, relaxed and tired. These feelings may lead to falling asleep or passing out for a few hours.

Some people have also reported blacking out or memory loss and not remembering what happened for few hours. Higher doses will have powerful effects.

How does Xanax work

According to Medical News Today, Xanax is a brand name for the alprazolam drug, which belongs to a group of drugs known as benzodiazepines. Xanax is used to treat panic or anxiety disorders and is the single most prescribed drug in the United States.

Xanax works by rising the amount of neurotransmitter GABA in the brain to promote relaxed and calmness feeling. This amazingly helps people who suffer from anxiety disorders so that they are capable to remain calmer in a particularly stressful condition, help curb panic attacks and relax their body overactivity. When taken as prescribed, Xanax can be effective and safe drug. Anyway, it all too often become abused.

How long does it take to work

When the take Xanax, the effects tend to take hold fast, but they do not last long. This drug has a quite short half-life, meaning it does take long for its effects to reach a peak after it is ingested. That is one of the reasons Xanax has such top abuse potential, drugs with a little half-life tend to be more generally misused.

The effects of Xanax generally last 4 hours, and that is why it is prescribed on as required basis, rather than as long-term therapy for anxiety. The short half-life and duration of effects are why Xanax is generally prescribed to manage How addictive is Xanax infrequent panic attacks.

As a person continues to take this drug over time, the brain will begin to generate less GABA on its own as an outcome. The liver will also begin to be more efficient in its processing of Xanax. Together, these two works diminish the effectiveness of Xanax. When this occurs, a doctor may rise the dosage of a prescription. More frequently, a person may begin taking bigger doses without consulting their doctor. Taking a top dosage of Xanax when it is not prescribed is very risky and can quickly spiral into Xanax addiction.

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