Acne: Reasons, Symptoms and Treatment

Posted by Ambrosia Clinic on July 14th, 2021

Acnes are very common these days, and we need no definition to understand this. So, we will directly jump to causes, risks, symptoms, and acne treatment in Hyderabad. So keep reading and explore more about this condition. 

How does acne occur?

In simple words, acne occurs when the tiny pores on your skin get blocked due to oil, bacteria, dirt, or dead skin cells. This blocking of the pore results in pimples, and when this procedure goes on, it results in the condition known as acne.

Some other reasons behind acne are:

  • Genes

  • Stress

  • Improper diet

  • Hormones

  • Infections

  • Heavy medications

  • Makeup

Acne is not life-threatening; still, it has several effects on the human body. Let us move forward and understand the impact on people having acne.

How does acne affect a person?

Acnes reduce the beauty of the physique of a person. Due to this, the person’s confidence decreases. He/she feels uncomfortable while going out or meeting people. The person starts losing his/her self-esteem. This might even lead the person to depression or thinking of suicide. 

Also, acne in a diabetic person can cause infections easily. Scarring can also occur due to inflamed acne breakouts.

But, with advancing technology and science, we have ways of treatment of acne. People suffering from acne can get cosmetic surgery in Hyderabad from Ambrosia Clinic. 

Symptoms of acne

There is no specific region on your body that cannot be affected by acne. But, the most common areas include the chest, face, back, shoulders, and neck. 

The best way to understand if you are suffering from acne is to look for pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and acne nodules. The starting of all acne is clogged pores and sores on the skin. The worst type of acne is cystic acne. This type of acne can lead to scarring. 

You can try some home remedies, but if those are not working, you should immediately seek a doctor. 

Treatment of acne

The first step of treating acne starts with examining the skin. This examination of the skin aims at identifying the type of acne to conduct the most suitable treatment. 

Acne treatment at-home:

  • Removing excess oil, dirt, and dead skin cells by washing with mild soaps.

  • Washing hair daily.

  • Using water-based makeup or that with is non-pore-clogging.

  • Avoiding bursting out the pimple.

  • Avoiding hats or any other tight headwear.

Acne treatment at clinics:

  • Microneedling RF: Ambrosia clinic, plastic surgery in Hyderabad, performs this treatment method. This method involves very thin needles that form pores on the skin, resulting in the production of new collagen.

  • Fractional CO2 Laser: An Ultra-pulse or continuous light rays has a prominent role in treating acne through this method. This is a type of laser treatment. 

  • Chemical peeling: This way of treating acne not only prevents acne but also smoothens the texture, tone, reduces dark spots, and prevents future breakouts.

  • Platelet-rich Plasma: In this method, the platelet-rich fibrin matrix is isolated and used to enhance collagen production.


People mostly do not take pimples seriously, which further results in acne. Keeping an eye on your pimples or acne is essential. You need to understand its behavior and then choose the best treatment method for it. If there is little or no effect on the acne with home remedies, you should immediately prefer visiting a doctor. 

There are various pimple treatment clinics in Hyderabad; you can pick the Ambrosia clinic over all other clinics. This clinic ranks in the experience and the number of satisfied customers.

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Ambrosia Clinic
Joined: March 18th, 2021
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