How to Self-Isolate When You are a Mommy?

Posted by Prapti Chauhan on July 15th, 2021

By now, everyone is aware of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 disease and its deadly impact on the world. The rising number of cases has made everyone super aware of their health. A common cold, cough, or fever makes us rush to the doctors expecting the worst. However, most doctors advise patients with mild flu-like symptoms to self-isolate and observe the symptoms closely.

Self-isolation or quarantine means to distance yourself from other members in the house. You are asked to stay in one room and avoid physical contact with family or pets. Although this is an ideal solution, it might not be an option for many, especially if you are a mom.

Here Are a Few Ways In Which Moms Can Home Quarantine:

Keep a Safe Distance

Maintain at least 6 feet distance from other family members, including your kids. Make sure to explain to your little ones in simple words why you are not hugging them or holding them. This will help calm them a bit so that they don't assume the worst. If your child is habituated to clinging to you, it might be harder for them to stay away. Be gentle with them and make them understand that this phase is temporary.

Wear a Mask

If you live in a small quarter, it might be even more challenging to maintain distance. In such circumstances, it is better to wear a mask at all times to not pass on the infection to your children.

Sanitize the Bathroom After Use

Although having a separate bathroom for you to use would be ideal, it may not be realistic. If you are sharing bathrooms with other family members or kids, make sure to sanitise them after every use. This would mean disinfecting the commode, washbasin, jet sprays, taps, etc., with a good quality sanitiser or disinfectant sprays. 

Separate Your Beds:

In case you’ve been sharing the bed with your kids up until now, it’s time to separate them. If they are sleeping on the bed, then you can lay out your bedding on the floor. If that is too uncomfortable, then you can create a pillow wall to add some distance between you and the kids. Another thing that helps is sleeping in the opposite direction from your kids, i.e., your head to their toe. 

Up Your Hygiene Game

Be hyper-vigilant of your every move. For example, if you are using a tissue when you sneeze or cough, throw it out immediately after use. Wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds as often as possible, especially before and after you touch something. If you have a cold, make sure you keep your used clothes, handkerchief, towels, etc., away from the reach of your kids.

Use Separate Cutlery

Keep your plates, glass, bowls, spoons, etc., in your room and away from the ones everyone else in the house use. Don't wash the utensils you use together with the rest.

Stay Positive

Your mood will have an impact on your children too. So, stay cheerful and don't let isolation get to you. In case you feel too lonely in your room, video calls your kids in the other room or plays online games with them.

Although it may seem hard to do, you will get through it. So, for now, just focus on getting better so that you can go back to being the supermom that you are.

Author Bio: Prapti Chauhan is a professor of Genetics in Bangalore. She has contributed to several online research papers. However, she passionately develops content on pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, baby stem cells preservation, umbilical cord lining, and more.

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Prapti Chauhan

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Prapti Chauhan
Joined: May 21st, 2021
Articles Posted: 3

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