Get The Best Skate Sharpening Machine To Keep Your Skates At Their BestPosted by reez thomas on March 22nd, 2016 Skates require regular sharpening to maintain or restore the ages of blades. Sharpened blades allow skaters to glide smoothly on the ice surface. Dull or blunt blades, on the other hand, can affect their performance and cause damage to the skates. But, most skaters don’t really know why, when and how often to sharpen their skates? Do the same questions pop up in your mind? If yes, you are the right audience to read this article. As mentioned above, sharpening is needed to restore the blades of skates. Most skates have steel blades, which get rusted or corroded over time when left unsharpened. Other than this, overuse can cause wear and tear. Sharpening is the only way to ensure smooth glide on the ice surface and to extend the lifespan of blades. When To Sharpen Your Skates? When gliding on the ice surface, skates remain grounded and the blades get blunt. That’s when the need of skate sharpening actually arises. It depends on your personal preference and the condition of skates. Many skaters sharpen their skates very often (probably after every game), while others do it at regular intervals. However if you sharpen your skates more than required, the blades will soon wear off or damage. So, be careful of when and how often to sharpen your skates. As the general rule of thumb, skaters should sharpen their skates after every five games or slightly longer, depending on their condition. For example if you use your skates twice a week, you should sharpen your skates roughly in a month time. Those who skate four or five times in a week can sharpen their skates twice a month for better functionality. This is how you can improve their performance and extend their lifespan. Like it? Share it!More by this author |