Clonazepam Addiction: Withdrawal

Posted by James Lapointe on July 28th, 2021

Clonazepam is a psychotropic drug that is generally used to alleviate anxiety and restlessness in patients with sleep disorders like insomnia, periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), and other types of nonrestorative sleep disorders. It has been used to combat depression and addiction, as well. It is particularly effective when taken as directed, but prolonged usage can result in physical and mental addiction. It has also been used for recreational purposes such as pot smoking and alcoholism.

People who abuse clonazepam may experience clonazepam withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms generally last for two weeks after stopping usage and may subside slowly over time, as the body adjusts to the loss of the drug. Clinically, the most common withdrawal symptoms are:

Acute clonazepam withdrawal effects generally last for two weeks after stopping its use. The severity of the symptoms varies from person to person and can include a wide range of symptoms such as disorientation, anxiety, vomiting, sweating, shaking, stomach pain, and increased heart rate. These symptoms usually subside gradually over a period of two weeks and may gradually go away without any medical detox. In a small number of cases, these symptoms may persist longer and be more persistent. People who have benzodiazepine use disorders should consult their doctor at the first sign of clonazepam withdrawal symptoms.

Chronic clonazepam withdrawal can be difficult to deal with because patients may refuse to take medication or stop using the drug. This can result in severe emotional and financial difficulties for the patient, especially if they rely on the drug for depression and anxiety. The prolonged use of benzodiazepines could also contribute to substance abuse and addiction. Therefore, in order to recover from this condition, a clinical detox is recommended by a medical doctor during outpatient treatment.

Clonazepam is a tranquilizer that acts as an anti-depressant and relaxant. It has been prescribed to treat a variety of ailments including anxiety and insomnia, as well as other physical dependence conditions such as obesity and alcoholism. Like any other prescription medication, it can cause dependency if taken too often or for an extended period of time.

The most severe withdrawal symptoms from taking Clonazepam involve the presence of high doses. If taking high doses of Clonazepam becomes a problem, patients should contact their physician immediately and begin a course of therapy. As with any prescription medication, if too much of a substance is taken, it could cause addiction, overdose, or death. Patients that abuse Clonazepam may experience euphoria, anxiety, restlessness, and irritability, which may lead to abuse and addiction. Psychosis, delusions, hallucinations, and aggressiveness could also occur if Clonazepam addiction develops. If you or someone you know is addicted to Clonazepam, it is important to seek professional help because using this substance can create psychological problems as well as physical ones.

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James Lapointe

About the Author

James Lapointe
Joined: July 28th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1