What is the Main Difference Between Recreational Weed and Medical Weed?

Posted by MJ Mom on July 30th, 2021

The Canadian government has made recreational and medical marijuana legal, helping many people get their frequent dose of marijuana easily. But what many people don't understand is that there is a huge difference between recreational marijuana and medical marijuana.

You will not enjoy the effects of medical marijuana if you're not prescribed to use that marijuana. To help you get a better perspective, we have jotted down the main and basic differences between recreational marijuana and medical marijuana.

Recreational vs medical: CBD and THC levels

Recreational marijuana has more THC concentration because THC is the compound responsible for making the user high. THC has psychoactive abilities that are not ideal for patients consuming marijuana for medical purposes.

Medical marijuana has a higher CBD concentration. CBD is a compound with many medical uses, such as anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, anti-oxidant, and antipsychotic properties. When patients consume CBD-rich products, they do not get high. Instead, they heal.

Recreational vs medical: Availability in stores and Online cannabis dispensary in Canada

Though marijuana is legal, there are restrictions on the amount of weed you can carry with you. Recreational marijuana may not be easily available in stores, and therefore people choose to buy recreational drugs from online cannabis dispensaries in Canada.

Medical marijuana has CBD derived from hemp plants, making them easily accessible anywhere with ease. When buying from a store, you need to have a valid marijuana card, showing that you're a patient and need weed for medical purposes.

Recreational vs medical: Quality of the weed

When it comes to quality, there is a huge difference between the quality of recreational marijuana and medical marijuana. The recreational marijuana is grown indoors or outdoors without any issues, the packaging and the storage is the only thing that is taken care of.

Medical marijuana is grown in a controlled environment and mostly grown indoors. Also, spraying pesticides, harmful fertilizers, and other chemical compounds are avoided when growing medical marijuana. Though both the products are safe for consumption, medical marijuana is grown with utmost care and precaution.

Recreational vs medical: Benefits

Stoners consuming recreational marijuana get fewer perks and benefits compared to medical uses. The first and foremost being the recreational marijuana users need to bear the judgemental look of the people around them while shopping for marijuana. However, the judgemental look can be forgotten after the first few puffs.

Medical marijuana can be bought from anywhere with a marijuana card and a doctor's prescription. Some patients are also given the freedom to grow their cannabis plants in their backyard. Medical marijuana can be grown on a large scale compared to recreational marijuana.

In conclusion

This was a basic difference and understanding about the difference between recreational marijuana and medical marijuana. You can buy good quality recreational and medical marijuana from a reliable cannabis dispensary in Canada, MJ Mom, at affordable prices.

Adam Stevenson is the author of this article. To know more about Indica Gummies please visit our website: mj.mom

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MJ Mom
Joined: February 10th, 2021
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