Also from RuneLabs are the mighty adamant and
Posted by haers on April 9th, 2016
It's an addition to the existing tool belt, with 12 items to add to help you to Old school runescape gold on your slaying escapades. No longer will you be forgetting your slayer items, with essentials such as rock hammers, slayer bells - and more - being added to the belt. You'll also be able to spend slayer points on adding your bonecrusher, charming imp and other useful items to the belt, saving you precious inventory space.
Also from RuneLabs are the mighty adamant and rune dragons - as proposed by Dragonforcae! Addy dragons can be found deep within the Brimhaven Dungeon, and are a significantly tougher that their mithril cousins. They drop bars, of course, and some new bones too! Rune dragons are definitely the kings of this update, though, worthy of their rune title. They live on Kethsi - accessible via the World Gate - and require completion of Ritual of the Mahjarrat and Fate of the Gods to access.
You'll want to shatter their rune plating first using dragonbane, then find a way to deal with their aerial attacks and increasingly damaging dragonfire. Rewards include components to add to glacor to Buy Old school runescape gold boots, make new tier 90 power boots for all combat styles.