Top screen dressing up concepts for special occasion by bonnie kay the stylist

Posted by John on April 11th, 2016

Visual merchandising activities can help your customers get a great experience while attracting their focus on the items you want to promote in your store.

In case you might not be aware, 80 per cent from the customers' impressions are actually developed by what they can feeling. As the saying will go: "a picture is worth a lot of words".

The Essentials

To be able to maximise your customers' buying experience while maximising your profits inside your retail shop, it is essential that you understand the essentials of visual merchandising to help you reap the many advantages of it.

You should understand how the Visual Merchandiser techniques deal with a variety of areas; including:

Advertising supplies
Hardware fittings and light fixture
Interior floor display
Signs and space design
Eye-port display

Two key facets of visual merchandising this post covers are:

Exterior demonstration
Colour and lighting

Outside Presentation

The exterior of your store is one thing that your customers can see the moment they consider your store. Therefore, you should pay lots of attention to your outside presentation.

This covers from your signage, how well-maintained the exterior of the shop is completely to how the products are displayed inside your shop window (otherwise referred to as "window dressing").

There are various methods applied with regards to the window dressing and the most typical of all is using mannequins.

This basically means using mannequins to advertise the products that a person sell, such as clothes, shoes, bags and additional accessories.

One of the excellent retail display ideas with regards to the exterior of your own store, is by using mannequins to advertise your products.

You should invest inside a good mannequin to be installed in your display window and ensure that you dress it up so that it attracts clients.

Having good Still life stylist Melbourne with mannequins will help encourage customers to arrive inside your store and look for the products that they saw within the display window.

Color as well as Lighting

Color coordination and correct lightning are two things that you need to also give utmost importance with regards to your retail display eye-port.

Remember that the color contributes a great deal to the people's impression from the window display along with the overall appearance of your own store interior. Thus, you must keep your merchandise enjoys the correct quantity of lighting. You must also make sure that the garments and accessories ought to be colour coordinated by utilization of the right colour plan.

If you are not sure of how to overcome visual merchandising, you might want to consider employing the services of the professional visual merchandiser.

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