Karima returns this weekend on Treasure Hunter, and continues to Cheap OSRS Gold to bless players with further gold and bonus XP!Any fallen stars or lamps used from Treasure Hunter chests between 00:00 universal time on the ninth of July and 23:59 universal time on the thirteenth of July can provide you with an opportunity of Karima the disembodied spirit showing and granting you with a blessed would like. If Karima seems once employing a lamp or star, she's going to provide you with the selection between the subsequent blessings:The Blessing of powerfulness – select this selection to realize bonus XP during a ability of your alternative.You’ll have five minutes before she moves on to bless alternative players. The Blessing of Fate – this blessing takes away your possibility of selecting that ability is given bonus XP, but the bonus reward are double the maximum amount because the bonus given once victimisation the Blessing of powerfulness. (Higher likelihood of blessing any ability below level 99)The Blessing of Fortune – select this blessing and Karima can shower you with gold coins! Which blessing can you choose?Karima doesn’t hang around forever though – therefore confirm you're taking advantage of her blessing before she to Old school runescape gold disappears!
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haers Joined: October 8th, 2015 Articles Posted: 133