Seasonal bedding for enhancing your garden?s beautyPosted by sophiamilller on April 15th, 2016 A well-kept garden in front of a neat-looking house is always an eyeful for every passerby. If you have a green patch in your property, use some creativity and imagination to turn it into a space that blooms into a riot of colours throughout the year. You can grow brightly-coloured flowers in beds, on borders or in containers. Seasonal bedding of flowers makes your garden attractive. In the cold climate you can grow alpines which will survive the snow and again grow the next year. Alpine plants for gardens are generally small hardy plants which are dwarf like in appearance. You can buy various plants available in pots or saplings from reputed nurseries to make your garden a pretty space. For seasonal beddings you can use more than one variety of plants to bring in a textured look. Shrubs and hardy perennials are ideal for beddings and borders as they can grow without any support. You can also use hardy annual plants which grow only for one season. The frequency with which you wish to change the look of your garden should help you to choose plants of varying lifecycle. If you plan to have flowers on the beddings then you have to know the flowering season for the plant species and plan accordingly. Alpine plants look nice especially in a rock garden but you can have them in ordinary ones too. When you wish to have flowering seasonal beddings it is judicious to buy matured plants which will flower soon. You will get information about various kinds of bedding plants from the website of an established nursery. In areas which experience severe winter, alpine plants are the best choices. When you plant alpines you need to be patient as they take time to grow and bloom. They have the ability to resist long cold spells. You can grow herbaceous alpines which are short in height if the garden is not too spacious. These can be grown on any raised or sloping part where there is good drainage. The alpine plants survive till summer and flower for a short period. But the flowers are in abundance as they grow in large numbers. Alpines can withstand plenty of moisture since they remain submerged in snow for quite a few months together. During summer exposure to sunlight is necessary for proper growth of alpines and seasonal beddings too. Some can be directly sown into the soil, others need to be matured in shade and then planted outdoors when summer sets in. Some of the annual flowering plants have to be discarded after flowering season but you can store the tubers for next season. Some common flowers used for seasonal beddings are tulips, pansies, forget-me-nots and polyanthus. Petunia, begonia, chrysanthemum and cosmos are also widely used in gardens for making beds of bright coloured patches. For alpine plants you can buy good quality seeds from a leading nursery which will grow into well nourished and long lasting plants for your garden. You can buy the seeds any time of the year and store under conditions as prescribed by the nursery. The experts at such a nursery will guide you in the planting process and in taking care of your plants. Add variety in your garden by growing alpine plants. You can bring a plethora of colours in your garden with attractively created seasonal beddings . Like it? Share it!More by this author |