Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About alprazolam valor

Posted by Cassi on August 5th, 2021

Before taking any anxiety medication, you must first understand why it is being given to you. You should also learn about the effects of the medication, the side effects and if there are any contraindications. It is also important for you to understand that the anxiety medication will not cure the cause of your anxiety, but will only provide temporary relief for the signs and symptoms that you are manifesting. You should not take any anxiety medication at all without a doctor's prescription and you should also follow strictly the dosage that was prescribed for you. Medication therapy can also be combined with other treatment options such as counseling and behavioral therapy, depending on your needs and the severity of your anxiety disorder.

Benzodiazepines are the most common anxiety medications because they are very effective and are short-acting. These medicines work by acting on the central nervous system to slow down its functioning, thereby providing a calming and relaxing effect. Also called tranquilizers, these too are used as muscle relaxants and as sleeping pills. Some common benzodiazepines are diazepam, lorazepam and alprazolam. For the side effects of these drugs, these include dizziness and drowsiness, slow reflexes, confusion and being disoriented, nausea and vomiting, blurring of vision and in some, depression.

Antidepressants are also used to treat anxiety disorders. These work by increasing the level of serotonin in the brain, which will result in mood elevation. These drugs are preferred for chronic anxiety disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder since these are slow acting. It has also been found out that there is a lesser risk for these drugs to be abused as well as patients being dependent on them. Some of the common antidepressants that are used as anxiety medications include Zoloft, Prozac, Celexa and Paxil. Their side effects include nausea, headaches, dizziness, weight gain and sexual dysfunction.

Beta blockers are commonly known as medications for heart disorders but these too are used as anxiety medication. These block the hormone in the body which stimulates the fight or flight response called norepinephrine. When this happens, the signs and symptoms of anxiety will then be controlled which will also help you relax. The common side effects are drowsiness, nausea, being light headed and very slow pulse rate.

There are other anxiety medications but these three are the most commonly used. While you are taking them, remember not to be overly dependent on these drugs and that you need to help yourself too. Find other ways on how you can treat anxiety disorder since these medications will only provide temporary relief.

June is typically the start of storm season in many parts of the country. Statistically, the number of dogs dropped off at animal shelters rises immediately after a thunder storm, possibly because owners are ill equipped to deal with pets who are traumatized by thunder and lightening. In this article, I discuss causes and solutions for dogs who react badly to storms and loud sounds like firecrackers.

According to Dr. Nancy Dreschel, a veterinarian who conducted a study on storm anxiety in dogs, 15% to 30% of dogs are affected by fear of thunderstorms; The Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association also reported that herding dogs, such as Collies and German Shepherds, and hounds, such as Beagles and Basset Hounds, seem to be more likely to develop a storm phobia than other dogs. The phobia is also common in sporting and working breeds.

The study suggests that this tendency may be explained in terms of the dogs' genetics. For example, herding dogs have been bred to react quickly to stimuli, such as a calf wandering away from the herd, but not to be aggressive. It could be that herding dogs have a strong reaction to the startling noises and flashes of a storm, but they repress any aggressive response to it causing anxiety.Shelter dogs seem to have a higher incidence of storm phobia, perhaps due to insecure feelings or previous scary experiences. Dogs who have separation anxiety are also more likely to have noise and thunderstorm phobias.

But can a fear of storms be more environmentally related than we realize? Storms cause a change in air pressure which may be painful to a dog's ears. A terrific guide to understanding the importance of sound to your dog's being is the book, "Through a Dog's Ear." Electricity in the air may also be a major factor in dog storm phobia as well as the change in the smell of the air that a dog with his acute sense of smell detects.

Might storms be even scarier to a dog who has been trained with an electronic collar, or frightened by a static shock in everyday life? There are more questions about the effect of electricity on dogs than we have answers but addressing the problem is in the best interest of both dog and owner since a fear of storms could become a phobia leading to a fear of anything associated with storms: the sound of firecrackers, gunshots, and even the sound of birds.

So what are the best ways to deal with a dog who has a fear of storm? In the following paragraphs I'll toss out a whole range of ideas; Consider which ones sound like they could work for your dog, your lifestyle, and as always, discuss your options with your dog's veterinarian.

A Penn State study of purebreds and mixed breeds measured cortisol levels, a stress hormone, in storm phobic dogs and it was found that dogs in multiple-dog households were less fearful than dogs in one-dog households. So maybe you might want to add another dog to your home.

Your own behavior is critical in helping a storm phobic dog; If you yourself are nervous during a storm, this can transfer to your dog. Remain upbeat and in charge. Never yell at, punish, or try to restrain a terrified dog - it never helps and only increases his terror. Neither should you comfort the dog because she will interpret this as confirmation that there really is something to be afraid of. The petting or comforting is really positive reinforcement of an undesirable behavior and even a benign, "That's ok" may give the wrong signal.

Changing the dog's environment of during the storm (or 4th of July) can reduce the anxiety level or make the dog less aware of it. "White noise," like a fan or air conditioner can help block out some noise, so can a TV or radio. Allowing the pet access to an area or room without outside walls or windows can decrease noise level. Some pets seek out the safety of a bathtub or shower during a storm and some experts have hypothesized that a pet may feel less static electricity if they're on tile or porcelain. Crating the dog may make the dog feel more secure when he's in a smaller space: Cover the crate with a blanket and leave the door open.

Harp music may also be an answer. That's right - harp. Harp therapy has drawn the interest of veterinarians and animal behaviorists who believe that vibrations of alprazolam er harp strings send out overtones, some inaudible to the human ear.It's suspected that the harmonic overtones work at a cellular level and reduce stress levels even in deaf animals who appear to relax when they feel the vibrations. Dogs must hear at least three minutes of music for it to take effect. Contact me for more information on finding the kind of harp music that's been effective with storm phobic dogs.

Another way to alter the dog's environment during a storm? Play! Depending on the dog's anxiety level, sometimes simply distracting him may be the best course of action. Sing songs, play with toys that make sounds or speak, yawning repeatedly and make big, loud, exaggerated yawns that your dog will see and respond to. Exercise the dog as much as you can to try to wear her out. Help your dog associate thunder with wonderful playtime!

Female dogs secrete pheromones that comfort nursing puppies and have a similar calming effect on adult dogs. Some believe that releasing these pheromones into a dog's environment calms him during a storm, so look into something called the DAP Dog Appeasing Pheromone Electric Diffuser which, as the name implies, diffuses this scent into the air at the right levels.

Hug Therapy includes "Body wrapping" that seems to calm and focus some anxious and stressed dogs. Neurobiologists believe that trauma can damage nerve receptors, leading to exaggerated responses to stimuli. By applying constantly maintained pressure, a wrap provides a quieting stimulus that causes the receptors to adapt and modify their thresholds in a cumulative manner.A variety of techniques for "wrapping" a dog range from using T-shirts to elastic bandage wraps. Or, consider using the Anxiety Wrap -- a sturdy, stretchy vest that hugs the torso like a body stocking and comes in a variety of sizes. This item is said to work so well that it's been successfully used for separation anxiety, car-sickness, hyperactivity and many other behavioral quirks. Look for it on the Internet.

There's a product called "Mutt Muffs," a "head-band-that fits over-dog ears" that's made of the same eosin foam used in high-end noise reducing commercial head sets.With a proper fit, a dog can't shake it off. The ThunderBand works much the same way but includes dog "earplugs" and a cozy comforting head wrap. Both products work by incorporating "hug" therapy with noise reduction.

Some dog owners find that homeopathic remedies can be helpful such as Phosphorous PHUS 30C available in health food stores. This is a natural compound used for fear of thunder or loud noises and typical protocol is to drop 3 to 5 pellets down the back of the dog's throat (do not touch the pellets with your hand) every

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