Major Advantages of using 220 Volt Split Air Conditioner

Posted by Samstores on April 15th, 2016

During the summer, you don’t have to suffer through the heat. Equip your home or office with a 220 volt split air conditioner. No matter what type of space you have, a 220 volt split air conditioner can prove to be advantageous. Here are major advantages of having a 220 volt split air conditioner:

•    Perfect for any space – Window type air conditioners require you to have some space outside your wall. With split type air conditioners, the cooling unit is separated from the heating unit. You can install a split type air conditioner anywhere in your home or office and simply place the heating unit where it is appropriate. The two units can be 100 feet away from each other and still be able to work.

•    Stylish – A wide range of 220 volt split air conditioners are available in the market. This way, you can easily choose one that will suit your space. You won’t find shabby controls on the main unit because 220 volt split air conditioners are sleek and stylish.

•    Low running cost – It’s true the initial cost of the 220 volt split air conditioner can be higher than other types of air conditioners. But in the long run, you can save more money with a split air conditioner as it uses up less energy.

•    Cheap energy bills – Advanced 220 volt split air conditioners can be set to maintain the temperature at a certain space. This means when the desired temperature is achieved, the 220 volt split air conditioner will no longer blow out cold air as much—and this can help minimize energy bills. Some air conditioners simply deliver the continuous amount of air at a certain temperature unless you change it.

•    Powerful – Split type air conditioners are extremely powerful—they can cool your entire home or office. Other conditioners can do the same but your machine will definitely suffer and your electric bill will spike up.

•    Quiet – Since the heating unit is away from the cooling unit, you can expect quiet operation from your 220 volt split air conditioner.

•    Easy controls and usage – With a 220 volt split air conditioner, you can easily modify the temperature in your room to a specific number. Modern split air conditioners also offer excellent features, such as sleep mode where you can set it to turn off at a certain time, control the fan speed, and other climate controls (even heating on some models).

About the Author:

Peter Perira is the managing director of SamStores, which is one the largest distributors for household Electronic Goods, we Guarantee the infrastructure to offer you nothing but the best in quality of products and after sales service.

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